
What are the Best Herbal suppliments for strep throat?

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I get strep throat constantly and I am at the Dr. almost every other month. (The Dr. said that my tonsils are in rough shape so I am highly prone to strep) The problem is that Dr.'s now a days highly recommend that you dont get your tonsils removed.

I hate taking so many antibiotics and would rather take a more constant herbal supplement.

Any experience with herbal strep supplements or recommendations?




  1. you need antibiotics..........or get them removed.they joined the enemy.get a second opinion.................

  2. getting your tonsils out will not really stop the problem but it will make it less often. I had the same problem after getting my tonsils out. my mom gave me vitamins like c, a multi, d, b etc. also for a sore throat a spoon of honey can work to stop some soreness.

  3. well, you must take the medication that the doctors give you, or you could run into some serious problems!

    My grandpa died from untreated strep!!!

  4. Dietary Guidelines

    DRINK FLUIDS: Clear liquids are most soothing and help to thin out the mucus at the back of your throat. Warm liquids also help in alleviating the pain. Ice creams and Popsicles should be avoided. It is better to stick to a healthy diet that would help the immune system to fight against sore throats

    DON'T SMOKE: Smoking irritates and dries the mucous membranes that line the nose and throat

    MOIST HEAT COMPRESSES (i.e. washcloths moistened with warm tap water): When applied to the neck, it relieves the swelling in glands

    Home Care Suggestions

    WARM SALT WATER GARGLES: These help to soothe and heal. Add 1/2 teaspoon of table salt to 1 cup of warm tap water and gargle with this solution at least four times a day.

    THROAT LOZENGES (look for ingredients that contain phenol or end in "-caine".): These give temporary relief from pain.

    PRACTICE GOOD HYGIENE: Wash your hands, cover your nose and mouth when sneezing, and properly dispose of used, facial tissues.

    Mind/Body Considerations

    Rest is necessary and helps the body get rid of the stress build up. It is essential to drink water and some hot drinks that can also help relieve the condition at times.

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