
What are the Best Places in Mexico for an American to Live In?

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What are the best place in Mexico for an a American to live in for an average american can afford in the Mexican State of Baja ,California in which is close Proximity to the United States ? A place which has close to the standard living as of the U.S ?




  1. Guadalajara is not in Baja, it is about a days drive from the border on the mainland, but it is probably the best American retirement community, 35,000 expatriots there. It has English newspapers, foods in the markets, etc.

    It also has good municipal water, municipal sewer systems, streets in good repair, etc. A very beautiful old city with lots of fountains.

    It will cost you $400 US per yr. for Mexican Health Insurance. On the world rating scale, Mexican Medical Services are rated 1/2 point below the US Medical Services. 34 1/2 & 35 th. respectfully.

    Rental of houses has some quirks you need to check out, but since NAFTA, Real Estate Ownership is just like the US.

  2. Look for the coastal areas, theres more money there. And well in all the big cities there are nice places to live in and ugly places to live in. People with money usually live in neighborhoods like the ones in the US or even better, in Guadalajara there are ares nicer than 90210, and cheaper too. Along the coast in the popular cities like Acapulco, you can find areas like Malibu.

  3. There are zillions of good places.   Your standard of living will be higher than most of the Mexicans around you, but there are many wealthy Mexicans with enviable standards of living.  Where you choose depends on your budget, what kind of climate you want, and if you want to live in a gringo community or not.  A single person can live nicely on the $1200 a month required to get an FM3.  If you have over $2000 a month can live quite nicely.  It costs MORE to live in beach, touristy areas and in areas with many gringos.  Costs less in smaller towns, with few gringos...and not in a big touristy area.  Baja, San Miguel de Allende, and Lake Chapala are 3 areas with thousands of gringos...many extremely wealthy, others  with more modest income.  Beach areas are hotter than Hades and very humid.  Mountin areas have a better climate.  A small town within 1/2 hr. of a big city is nice.  If you want to live in Baja, check out  the groups below...1st one is for Baja only, 2nd one is mostly people in Baja.

  4. It will depend on what you want. There are places here that are relatively cheap, and some you could never afford. Here in Mazatlan for example, houses can run from $30,000 USD to $3,000,000 USD. Many are in very good areas and run from $150,000 to $300,000. You give up nothing by living here, except crime.

  5. You might want to consider Baja Mexico. There are a lot of communities of retired Americans and they have all the comfort you are looking for. There's a BIG variety of living spaces (condos, studios, family houses, etc) and a big plus is also that US is real close by so you can travel and do your shopping .

    Here are a few websites to check out:

    Hope this helps! =)

  6. Mate, people from U.S. should not be called "Americans" its ok that you live in this continent called America, but you shouldn't take that name, because from Canada, to Argentina we are all Americans, capeege, i mean, u should call yourselves U.S. people, or any other name, but not americans, Just an observation

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