
What are the Best Toys/Treats for Guinea Pigs, Pictures Please!?

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I am getting a piggy tomorrow! :)




  1. They do not play with or need toys.Stuffed toys are the worst.They will eat them and could possibly get a blockage in the intestines and die.They do not run on a wheel.They will chew and ingest wood toys so these are questionable.Why waste your money on something they do not need,or may harm them & make them sick???

    Pet store treats? Totally a no-no for piggies.No yogurt drops,any thing made with Alfalfa(the worst),or anything containing sugar or artificial dyes.Alfalfa eventually gives them kidney or bladder stones because it is too high in calcium for pigs.

    Why not spend your money on the things they really need and love?Nice fresh veggies-cukes,romaine & red leaf lettuces,parsley,kale,carrots,etc.A bit of fruit like banana,or apple.And for their total health good quality Timothy hay and plenty of it daily.Hay cannot be emphasised enough.A few  handfuls of good quality fresh PLAIN pellets and they are set for a healthy and happy life!Good luck!

  2. The best toys are paper towel rolls, stuffed animals, wood chews, fruit and peach chews, a big tunnel. You can get all this at PetCo or PetSmart. That's where I get my things for my guinea pig.

  3. it is a treat and a toy!

  4. Congrats on your new piggie! They certainly are amazing pets, that have tons of personality!

    Actually, with my experience, all those "toys" from pet stores, my pigs never really cared for them.

    Here is a website that explanis perfect toys for guinea pigs.

    (yes there are pictures, and it's all listed on one paige)

    You will find they enjoy much more simple things, such as towel tents, paper bags, empty kleenex boxes, crumpled up peices of paper. Those are just a few things listed on the site, which my piggies actually do love.

    BUT if you insist on buying items at the petstore, they do even list a few things on the bottom of the page that YES they do like.

    And actually, petstore treats are actually very harmfull for your piggies digestion. They contain certain ingrediants such as corn, seeds, and they even sell items like yogurt drops for pigs..well, pigs are lactose intolerant. People at petstores are sales people, not vets, and their advice should NEVER replace an exotic cavy savvy vets. Here is a link that has the perfect food chart for a guinea pig. If you scroll to underneath the chart, you will find very important facts about feeding your pig certaint foods, and there is even a list of poisonious foods you should stay away from too. :)

    You could also join the forum at I could not tell you how HELPFULL and THANKFULL for that site I am. If my pigs could talk they would say that same. It has helped me learn how to better care for my guinea pig, I couldn't believe it. It was also great to see the improvements in my guinea pigs behavior such as more popcorning and they became more outgoing and everything. If you do join, you should ask future quesoins there. Because here you can't trust what people say and MANY of them give harmfull advice. There you will happily be given any advice about any other questiosn/concerns you may have as well, by people who have a great amount of experience.

    Hope to see you there. :)

  5. take a look at pets at home website it has lots of piccys there if i were you , go for hidey holes, jingle balls, do not get exercise balls as they damage their backs they are delicate and also please dont buy a lease.

  6. A toy:

    A treat:

    Go to for more.

  7. dont think u have to get every thing for ur guinea pig i no he ur getting 1 and u want to get lots of toys and stuff but just tubes (big enough) and bridges is fine and make sure u have something it can hide in

  8. get cucumber.. a hidey house- an igloo or something else.. wood chew toys..

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