
What are the Best slimming pills?

by Guest61482  |  earlier

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is there any u have tried and they really worked? I desperately need to lose some weight. Please help.




  1. Diet pills only help as part of a calorie controlled diet combined with exercise. There are no magic pills that will make weight disappear without any effort from you.

    I have lost 4 stone in  9 months taking Rimonabant which is aproved in the UK but not yet in America. These are an appetite suppressant which has made it easier for me to follow the weightwatchers diet. I had tried it before but was hungry all the time and failed. having lost a lot of weight I make sure I am active every day to avoid putting the weight back on. These tablets make a small percentage of people very depressed so are not prescribed for people with depression already.

  2. brisk walk an hour 5 small healthy meals a day...pills are a waste of may consume herbal teas and apple cider vinegar but dont forget to change your lifestyle so that you remain slim for life...

  3. i wouldn't use slimming pills if i were you. There not great ....    just excercise  nd eat a helthy diet nd cut back oln high calorie foods like crisps nd biscuitss xx  

  4. SlimQuick with hoodia has a lot more to do with hype and advertising than real science.  Success is likely to be as a result of the diet and exercise program that accompanies the product, and not the product itself.  Many of the complexes that do contain ingredients focused on the specific needs of women are either too weak to accomplish much or useless for fat burning (for example, vitamins & minerals - of course they're important for your health, but these wont' do any more for additional weight loss than your typical drug store vitamin!). SlimQuick also has green tea extract, caffeine, cocoa bean and yerba mate extracts (more caffeine!) - although the correct combination of green tea and caffeine can help with weight loss, it can also make you extremely jittery! If you research this product carefully, you'll find that there's no clinical data that validates the product claims and there is little active ingredient in most of the various complexes.  With the caffeine in Slimquick, you might be able to lose a few quick pounds, but as soon as your body adjusts to the caffeine, you'll be back to where you started.  Plus it isn't healthy and it's potentially addicting!  Don’t expect any miracles.  Don't waste your money.


    I recommend a HEALTHIER alternative. And it's not a "low carb, low fat, low calorie" diet!  so many diets do NOT work! Of course, the amount of food you eat will either make you lose or gain weight. However, there is more to it than that. If you eat smaller meals and eat the RIGHT foods, you can actually eat more and lose more weight! Sounds strange, but our bodies are very complex and if you understand your body, you can manipulate your metabolism for speedy and SUSTAINABLE weight loss!

    The key to losing weight is NOT to restrict your diet to "low  fat", "low carbs" diets, but rather eating the RIGHT calories. You actually get to eat more (and stay healthy & happy!) and lose more weight if you learn how. Knowledge is power.

    Hope that helps!

    If you want to learn more, click on the link below.

    (It includes a FREE guide to 5 secrets that weight loss companies don't want you to know).

  5. Diet and exercise work. Pills do not.

  6. i disagree pills do work especially hoodia

    no but i used hoodia  and it worked out the best for me you should try it along with my routine

    go out for runs

    do about 200 sit-up and crunches

    and do a lot of abdominal exercises

    i do all that and i have a nice 6 pack

    i work and go on runs

    but what helped me was hoodia

    it cuts down on your appetite so your not always hungry and you wont end up eating all the time !!! it worked great for me

    it was recommended by a lot of people to try i lost 10lbs my first week

    using them and going on runs every day ???

    you should try it

    check out this site

    thats where i bought it from you can see all where it recommended from msn nbc some health networks ???

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