
What are the Best ways to save energy?

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What are the best ways to save energy? (have a windmill and a well)




  1. turn off lights/fans when not in room, unplugs any plugs when not in use, hybrid car or walk or bike ride(that also counts as exercise)

  2. Turn everything off. Really, just cut way back on what you use, drive less-more planning. Invest in the best energy systems-concentrating solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal, hydro.... Add insulation, install a heat sink in the sunny side of your home....

  3. go back to the medievel times and dont use any power just fire

  4. Tips to “Go GREEN”

    Travel Less

    Walk, Bike, Carpool or use Public Transportation

    • Drive less-

    o An average 20 mile to the gallon car puts about 1 pound of co2 into the atmosphere per mile. About 50 tons over its whole lifetime.

    o Switching to a hybrid car saves 2000 pounds of co2 a year

    • Fly less-

    o There is enough fuel is a jumbo jet at take-off to drive an average car around the world 4 times

    • Carpool-

    o One-third of all traffic is commuters

    o If every car just carried one more passenger on the daily commute, 32 million gallons of gas saved every day

    Change your light bulbs

    Regular incandescent bulbs only 10% generates illumination, 90% is lost in heat

    • Switch lights in your house and office to Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs.

    o Fluorescent last 10,000 hours, ten times longer, and use 66% less energy

    o If everyone in the United States switched just one regular light bulb with a CFL can save:

     150 lbs of carbon dioxide a year, half a ton over its whole lifetime,

     prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of more than 800,000 cars,

     enough energy to light more than 3 million homes for a year,

     More than $600 million in annual energy costs.

    Recycle more

    If everyone is Rhode Island begin recycling, CO2 could be reduced by 420,000 tons a year

    • Use a compost pile to reduce garbage in overcrowded landfills.

    o 30% of trash is yard and kitchen scraps.

    o If you cut down on your garbage by just 10%, you can save 1200 pounds of co2

    • Set up a recycling in your home or office to save paper, aluminum cans, cardboard, glass, and plastic.

    o It takes 70% less energy to make recycled paper then paper from trees

    o Every ton, 2000 pounds, of recycled paper saves 380 gallons of oil

    o By recycling half your household waste, you save 2400 pounds a year

    o The energy saved from a recycled aluminum can generate a TV set for 3 hours.

    • Use products with less packaging

    o Use Wasteful and unnecessary

    Cut down on plastic

    Each year, an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide, over 1 million per minute. Billions end up in a landfill, as litter, or mistaken as food by marine animals each year if you don’t recycle them.

    • Use reusable plastic bags and bottles.

    o Plastic bags and bottles don’t biodegrade, but photo degrade, breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits contaminating soil and waterways and entering the food web when animals accidentally ingest

    o Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, whales and other marine mammals die every year from eating discarded plastic bags

    o   Americans buy an estimated 25 billion single-serving, plastic water bottles a year.

     Eight out of 10, 22 billion, will end up in a landfill.

    o   1.5 million barrels of oil is used annually to produce plastic water bottles for America.  

     Enough to fuel some 100,000 U.S. cars for a year.

    Turn off/ Unplug applications when not in use

    In the average home, 40% of all electricity is used to power home appliances while they're turned off.

    • Purchase a Power strips.  

    o Power strips have surge protectors to make it easy to "unplug" many appliances at once.

    o If all phantom loads in US homes were stopped, we could shut down 17 power plants.

    • Setting your computer to sleep when not in use can cut it’s energy use by 70%. Screen savers don’t save energy!

    Conserve Water

    • Run dishwasher and laundry only when full

    • Washing clothes in cold water saves 500 lbs of co2 a year

    • Use an ultra-low flush toilet.

    o About 40% of the water you use in your home gets flushed down the toilet.

    • Use Low flow showerhead.

    o It can save 350 pounds of co2 a year

    • A dripping faucet can waste up to 20 gallons of water a day. A leaking toilet wastes 200 gallons a day

    Have fun in Nature and Plant a tree

    Being outside is a good way to stay away from using electricity

    • A tree absorbs and store one ton of co2 over its lifetime!

    Keep your car and house appliances running eco-friendly

    • At Home-

    o Using energy Starr product can save up to 75% of total energy use and an average of 400 dollars off your electric bill.

    o Use a programmable thermostat.

    o Changing your thermostat 2 degrees up in the summer and 2 degrees down in the winter save 2000 lbs of co2 a year

    o Wrapping your water heater in insulated blanket saves 1000 lbs a year

     Setting your water heater to no higher then 120 degrees saves 550 pounds a year

    o Cleaning a dirty air filter saves 350 lbs a year

    • In the Car-

    o Drive slow.  After 55 mph, your cars fuel economy stops, using more gas and polluting more gases into the air

    o Keep your tires in good shape.  If every Americans tires were properly inflated, it would save 2 billion gallons of gas a year

    Eat less meat and choose local organic when possible

    Raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases then all the cars in the world combined

    • Eating vegan save 3000 pounds a year

    Choose Alternative energy sources

    It is becoming easier to incorporate theses environmental friendly energy into your own home.

     Solar power

     Recharable batteries

     Wind turnbines

     Geothermal heat pumps

     Burning of biomass, biodiesel and ethanol

  5. Turn your air conditioner off when you leave the house. Keep fans off when you leave a room and only wash clothes and dishes at night.

    I have saved over $350 on my energy bill a month using these simple energy savers

  6. This is a whole website really easily organized into all the different facets of life to going green. That should answer your questions.

  7. Don' use any.

  8. Use CFL's (compact florescent light) in every facet of your home, turn off all electronics when not in use. You can even go one step further and unplug any and all electronics that you're not using as that still uses a nominal amount of electricity. hang dry you laundry, do bigger loads than you're used to doing. in the winter turn your thermostat down a couple degrees lower than you're used to having it and bundle up a little.

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