
What are the Chicago Blackhawks chances in 08-09?

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What are the Chicago Blackhawks chances in 08-09?




  1. Alot better than last season.

    Patrick Kane will only improve and now you have the greedy slimeball Cristobal Huet  (sorry caps fan) and plus you still have Nikali Khabibuhlin (i know i just butchered his name) but with two great goalies and a pretty solid team.

    They should do very well.

  2. The Blackhawks looked like they had a chance last season, but they have further improved during the off-season.  In my opinion they are "The" team to watch over the next couple years.  They have a good base and aquired some good players this off-season.  Not to mention gaining Scotty Bowman, at a huge loss to Detroit.  If Scotty works his magic in Chicago as he has done elsewhere, the Blackhawks will become huge contenders.  I am not a Blackhawk fan, but I believe in Scotty Bowman, coupled with the young guys they had last season, veterans such as Robert Lang, and the off-season trades, I believe the Blackhawks are currently the team to watch next season and, most definitely the season or two after.  Look out NHL, Scotty is with the Blackhawks.

  3. 1 in 30

  4. the same as everyone elses.....

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