
What are the Cons for waterless urinals?

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What are the Cons for waterless urinals?




  1. They REALLY REALLY smell bad!!!!

  2. The only con I'm aware of is that they're quite expensive, upwards of $300.  However, people who have used them say that they don't have any odor problems, work well, and save thousands of gallons of water.  See the link below for a good discussion of waterless urinals.

  3. They stink horribly.

  4. For those who've become psychologically dependent on the sound of running water in order to complete "the day's business" they might not be ideal.

    But then I guess they could always try one of those soothing relaxation tapes...

  5. The biggest con that I am aware of is the maintenance.  Waterless urinals require very specific maintenance.  Training your staff to maintain them can be quite difficult because the staff must understand the proper amount of chemical to place in the urinal and then how to remove the chemical.  Also in most installation of waterless urinals one of the urinals should should have a water hook up so that it is possible to flush the lines to prevent that terrible smell.  Edit: "Often urinals that are not properly maintained or flushed will develop a smell due to urine build up in the waste lines."  So again the biggest con is training people how to use and maintain them.  


    All waterless urinals will have plumbing or waste lines and it is a good idea to have one water line run to a urinal to flush the main waste line.  Currently I think the low flow urinals are the way to go.  But I would stay as far away as I possibly could from a composting toilet.  That would be just a little too green yup definitely going in to fully ripe territory.

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