
What are the Customs and Traditions in Morocco??

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  1. i would love to help, but regarding exactly what side of life? There are thousands  customs and traditions...

  2. As the previous posting said......What do you want to know? religion? tribal issues? Day to day living?

    just a couple are

    Say Bis m'Allah (In the name of God) on entering a house  or building

    Men go to accept a womans hand to kiss it (as a greeting) but they take their hand away, kiss their hand and put it to their heart.

    Customary to offer a sinnea (tray) with bered (pot) of mint tea to guests

    More often than not men sit with men and women sit with women at weddings, fiestas

    The body of a deceased person is carried through the streets as a mark of respect

    visits to the grave of a bereaved person are made the first three mornings after the death.

    Person is usually buried the day after death

    Persons buried prostate facing Mecca

    A baby has a naming ceremony one week after its birth

    The woman will normally live with her mother for one month following the birth.

    There are no family hilarities / major fiestas untill the 40 days after the death of a family member

    Henna is used to decorate hands and feet of the bride

    many many more but as we said it depends on what youre looking for exactly.

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