
What are the DO"s and DONT's in order to have a sustainable eco-tourism in Costa Rica?

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What are the DO"s and DONT's in order to have a sustainable eco-tourism in Costa Rica?




  1. the biggest DO for Eco-Tourism would be to stay home, since you are using resources to get there, the best thing would be to just wire your money to Costa Rica that way you aren't burning fossil fuels to drop your money there.

  2. There are many things you can do:

    research hotels that are sustainable in your price range:

    use Nature air for domestic in country flights- they are the first carbon neutral airline in the world and have offset every flight with a reforestation project in the southern pacific of Costa Rica.

    Your international flight can be offset here:

    soon you will be able to offset your ground transportation in Costa Rica via

  3. Eco-tourism is a sham

    You fly in by plane, burning fossil fuels. Diesel trucks bring in beer, liquor, and food. A diesel generator provides power. Garbage disappears mysteriously. Birding and turtle-watching excursions are taken in motorized vehicles. After a hard day getting to know nature, iced drinks are always available.

    locally available jungle materials—hardwoods and palm thatch—were used to construct the guest cottages in the "eco-lodge", along with cement and reinforcing rods brought from San José and abroad. The kitchen serves the finest aged beef fattened in pastures that once were rain forest.

    Is this what you are looking for on your eco-vacation to Costa Rica?

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