
What are the Detroit Red Wings named after?

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My husband says it's a tire with wings because we're the Motor City. If this is true, why are they red? If this isn't true, can someone please explain it to me?




  1. The first guy is correct.  Here is a cool link in case you're wondering about any other team name origins

  2. Where does any old team name come from??  Look at baseball.  Why would you name a team the White Sox, or Red Sox.  Their cool original names, but naming was a different thing back then.

    Also New York Knickerbockers, I know what one is but sounds dumb by today's standards.  But it is original and has been around forever, so we like them.

  3. James E. Norris bought the Detroit Falcons (the old team name) in 1932. Norris' first act was to choose a new name--the Red Wings. Earlier in the century, Norris had played on one of hockey's early powers, the Montreal HC, nicknamed the "Winged Wheelers." Because of the team’s location in Detroit, the Motor City, Norris transformed the club's logo into the first version of the Red Wings logo as it is known today.

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