
What are the Do's and Don's in a bio tech lab?

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What are the Do's and Don's in a bio tech lab?




  1. Hi =)

    1. No student is allowed to work in a laboratory unless Science Department Lab Supervisory Personnel are present.

    2. Any student who endangers others' safety, or his or her own, will be forbidden use of the laboratory.

    3. Only authorized experiments may be performed.

    4. Equipment may be used only for its intended purpose.

    5. Bare feet are not permitted in the laboratory.

    6.  Children and pets are not permitted in the Geology Lab.

    7. Any accident, even a minor one, must be reported to the laboratory instructor.

    8. Lab tables should be as uncluttered as possible to allow work space and avoid accidents. Also, keep the aisles clear to prevent tripping over your gear, and so that carts can pass unhampered. Place bookbags, pocketbooks, etc. under the lab tables.

    9.  No eating, drinking, or smoking are permitted in the geology laboratory.

    10. When lab work is completed, all materials must be returned to their proper places. Check to make sure that your microscope light, and any other electrical equipment is turned off before you leave.

    11. Any student who has, or who develops a medical condition (epilepsy, asthma, allergies, diabetes, etc.) that could magnify the hazards of the laboratory should immediately notify the lab instructor.

    12. Fire drills may be scheduled for the science building (or the library). If a fire alarm should occur, exit the building and go to the designated area outside. The instructor should be the last one to leave the room, and should close and lock the door. Remain together as a class. The instructor will check to be certain that all students have exited the building. When the "all clear" signal is received, return to the classroom.

    OR these simpler rules:

  2. Do: Read the prelab

    Don't: Put the instruments/organisms in your mouth.  

  3. Do:

    Label everything (all your tubes and boxes)

    Use a pipette properly (do not adjust beyond limits [tolerance])

    Read the lab protocol before lab period

    Multitask and set up so that you wont have gigantic waiting periods

    Wear rubber gloves and goggles

    Conservatively use disposables (ufuge tubes, pipette tips, etc...)

    Run blanks for experiments involving spectrophotometer readings

    Use controls for all experiments

    Come in on time


    Eat or drink in lab

    Touch your face or other skin after handling chemicals

    Waste reagents

    Waste disposables

    Run in lab

    Break instruments or drop glassware

  4. Don't wear loose clothing, tie back all long hair, always wear the suggested safety equipment, no horse play in the lab, never drink out of any lab glaswear or containers, when in doubt ask the intructor/leader, always be aware of what you are doing, treat any animals in the lab with respect, label everything, don't put anything in your mouth, always wear lab coat/gloves/safety goggles when doing any lab work of anykind (even dishes). Just use your best judgement in safety is basically it.

    Also: no contact lenses, read through the lab/procedure all the way before doing it, wear close-toed shoes.

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