
What are the Do's and Don't's in making a resume?

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Here's the details. I'm making the resume of my father. I am the one making it because I'm the most computer literate in our family. I'm asking for some advices in making a resume. He doesn't get a job for 10 years and I think the resume is the big factor in that. He was a cabin steward in cruise ships before and due to the bankruptcy of the company, he loses that job. He also has handled many jobs before. Now I want to help him get a job. Please help me with some tips. He's now applying a position in Tim Hortons as a Storefront Employee. the site of the company is Thanks for those who will give me some advice. Thank you!




  1. Try . It is not a free site but you get what you pay for. I suggest a few bucks well spent at the start might be smart. A better way to start might be to ask help from a business person of HR or experienced manager to get you in the right street.

    Try to keep the resume to only (that means ONLY) one page. It stands a much higher chance of being read. Get it proofread and critiqued by someone good before you fire it off. And lastly, when you send the resume in, always (that means ALWAYS) follow it up at least three times with phone calls.

    Good on your dad for being brave enough to take the plunge after a few years, he will be so happy he did.

    I wish you the best of luck. Jackson.

  2. I have helped many people write resumes and yes, how you write your resume is the first step in getting a job interview.

    Resumes don't have to be fantastic, many resumes are incredibly badly written.

    Firslty, keep it simple. A resume is a list of your experience and qualifications. Describe everything in the clearest possible way.

    Many people reading resume won't know the details unless you explain them.

    For example. Shop assistant is your job. But welcoming customers to the store, handling customer complaints, openning and closing the shop every day, organising shop displays etc are what you did and 2 shop assistants might do very different things.

    The other key is your letter of application. THis is where you explain how you match the job. Some people say modify your resume for each job, but really the letter application pulls out the main features and convinces people that you can do they job.

    Finally, if someone hasn't worked for a long time some tricks to get work include.

    1. Study.

    2. work experience (no money). Go to places volunteer for church social shops etc. This makes a difference and can get your father a job fairly quickly.

  3. One of the keys to a great resume is the appropriate use of language.  Since your first language is not English, perhaps you should go to a professional resume writer,  They will not only help you with the structure of the document, but also put it in correct English and give you advice as to how to give it the punch you want.  Your father should go to a career counselor if he hasn't had a job in 10 years.  You are a wonderful son/daughter for wanting to help your father, but maybe you should also ask yourself what are the real reasons he has not been employed for 10 years.

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