
What are the Do's and Dont's after an abortion?

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I'm making an appointment after few days to get abortion, I felt very nervous because its my first time and I got lot more work in my hands to finish as I'm still a student. I need to go back to school few days after and stay alone there, so I wanted to know about the DO and DON'T after the abortion. I am afraid that I can't take care of myself properly and leave side effect after that. What to eat? What must not to eat? When can I take shower. What can I do?




  1. have safe s*x next time my dear,

  2. Do: use protection next time and accept the responsibility of a child if the protection doesn't work.

    Don't: get pregnant again.

  3. don't have one - you'll regret it the rest of your life

    & that way, you won't have to worry about the effects

  4. the abortionist person will tell you all you need to know.

    don't worry or stress. i hope it goes ok

  5. Yes, don't worry too much. It's a standard procedure and the doctor will tell you all about it.

    By the way, don't mind people saying abortion is wrong. Abortion is obviously not murder. It's a good and rational decision. My ex-girlfriend had one too and she has no regrets whatsoever.

    Good luck!

  6. Your FIRST time??? How many are you planning on having??

    Firstly the doctor and nurses will make sure that they have fully informed you of the dos and don'ts after you have an abortion.  I have no experience of this but I would presume they would include getting lots of rest, keeping yourself clean and not having s*x for at least 6 weeks.

    You will probably also be offered couselling which I advise you take.  This will be an enormously life changing step you will be taking and the physical side effects will b nothing to the emotional ones.   I have a friend who had an abortion at the beginning of the year who has been beating herself up about it ever since.  I don't know many who come out of the experience unchanged.

    I can understand how difficult this decision is, and that you clearly feel you have no other option but I hope you have considered all this fully.

    Either way, I wish you the very best of luck.

  7. is it a medical or surgical abortion?

    if its medical, you will bleed out quite a lot, you will most likely be very nauseous and due to this quite tired.

    you can eat what you like, but you may not feel like eating.

    you can shower whenever you want, however - only use sanitary towels DO NOT use tampons. they can induce infection that in future may affect your fertility.


    if you are 7 weeks or less they most likely will perform a medical abortion, im not sure about RU486 as i know its not approved in a lot of places, they may use mifepristone. some drs will do a medical abortion up to 9 weeks but its effectiveness it questioned.

    click on this link and read my answer to the queston about medical abortion:

  8. Put the baby up for adoption.  You will be emotionally scarred for life, if you go through with an abortion.

  9. Honey ignore the idiots saying its murder because as your well aware we all have rights! This is your right to choose.

    Just be careful not to strain yourself, you will be uncomfortable for a few days and you may well be very emotional, i would suggest talking to someone as that always helps but if your not in a situation where you can then,  just make sure taht you dont have to put yourself through this again, get on the pill or use condoms. I hope your ok, and that you have made the right choice for you, not because you feel pressured by society peers BF parents etc.

    Take care hon.

  10. I personally myself could not make the choice you are making BUT have known people who did and at that point in there lives it was the right one due to things they could not help. Sometimes the time is just not right and you can't do it , yes you should have known that before but its after and whats done is done and i wish you luck down this long hard road you are fixing to enter because it will be a rollacoaster of emotion. You will more than likely have to have a vacuum aspiration and you will be slightly sedated not totally knocked out but out of it where you will be in and out of sleep. somebody will have to drive you home and they will give you a list of things that you can't do and some med's to take for the pain. think long and hard about this before you go because its a life long thing you'll have to live with just like a child would be. i'm not saying don't do it i'm saying make a wise informed decision.  

  11. make sure you are really clear about your decision.  Let youself grieve - you have lost something even if you are clear about why etc.  Your hormones will drop so you may be quite emotional (in addition to being emotional about the decision itself).  You will need someone to drive you home from the prodcedure.  You will bleed and cramp - use sanitary pads only not tampons.  Ask the clinic about pain relief.  Go and get the post-termination check up when advised, and if they don't advise you go 4-6 weeks later to see your GP.  Eat well, get lots of sleep - all the usual taking good care of yourself.

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