
What are the Events in the Hockey Y!A Olympics?

by  |  earlier

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I've thought of a couple Do you have any more?

1. Band Wagon Jumping.

2. Dead horse beating.

3. Referee baiting.

4. Puck Bunny Shooting.

any others? 10 points for most original.




  1. Trying to beat out LITY for best answer!


  2. 5. Spelling bee for the dyslectics!

  3. I forget whos posted this a while back but

    Whack a Penguin

    Chuck a Penguin

    Peguin Darts

  4. Pin the explosive on the idiot.

    rahconG sereht gnihton gnorw htiw scixelsyd gnilleps sgniht sdrawkcab ro gniod slasrever si retteb neht elpoep ohw

    t'nac lleps dna t'rena cixelyd.  S.P I lleps tsuj enif.

  5. Goal tending: for people who blast and flame an answer they don't like, no matter how correct the answer realy is.

  6. Rival team bashing.

    The Bettman Toss.

    Whack an Expansion Franchise.

    The 4X400 Whining Relay.

    Stadium Anthem Rhythmic Interpretive Dance.

    **Gonchar... your out... dyslexics hahaha : - )

    ****Ha Ha Ha, I'm slow this morning.

  7. Talking tough behind an avitar.

    Figuring out who the h**l Little Wayne is.

    Asking who will win the cup.

    Patrick Roy family battle royal.

    Beer pong.

    Shoot the geek paintball practice...Sean Avery is the geek I wanna shoot those stupid glasses off of his meat head.

  8. Homer Run Derby

  9. Slamming one's own forehead against the desk because of repeat questions.

    Playing catch up to all the good questions after being away all day.

    Posting rants in the Suggestions Forum when the Thumbs Down Posse strikes again.

    Telling Mike (of Ask Mike fame) that he needs a real job.

    Finding ways to incorporate Jessica Alba in all my answers.

    Jessica Alba.

    Fending off the most blatant bandwagon fans of any team, including my own.

    Deleting all the profanity from my answers before they are posted.

    Editing my answers for spelling and grammar.

    Avoiding Spell Check.

    Avoiding the Search feature.

    Avoiding the "This question has been asked before" option.

    Not avoiding the Thumbs Down feature.

    Wondering what it takes for a multi-million dollar company to add one little letter "s" to the Report Abuse feature.

    Wondering why a multi-million dollar company needs the users to report abuse.

    Blasting all the naive concepts of Yahoo Answers in the Suggestion Forum.

    Changing avatars.

    Changing screen names.

  10. Mike Milbury Target Shooting... with Mike as the target!

    Thumbs Up Wrestling

    100 meter Whinery Dash

  11. 1. Standing out in Left Field

    2. The Blank Stare (timed event)

    3. Simon Says (who says the same thing as the people above them ... the most)

    4. reputation mash - up derby

    5. Homer Cagematch.

    6. Below the belt punching contest.

  12. aww i was just thinking about a bettman toss! lol iceman.

    my team is better than your team roll down the how they do in england

    playoff beard stomping

    idiot boxing or goon ufc

    bottom feeder team golf

    a how many times will elisha cuthbert hook up with a hockey player long jump

    a sean avery rick dipietro pimp off w/baby faced rookies as sidekicks

    gary roberts chuck norris faceoff/ gary roberts + chuck norris vs the mule and datsyuk. mma event.

    I LOVE THIS OLYMPICS. when will it be tom?

    "Don't forget the ceremonial running of the flaming cup by two girls from Brazil to start up the games."

    lol. way to bring in the hot internationals joe.

    wouldn't it be great if sean avery was a flag bearer and marty was the flame dasher. i see endless potential for chaos during opening ceremony at the games.

    later on today:

    after reading bill's answer it just got me thinking about nude people and i think there needs to be a mascot streaking event...

    puck bunny curling

    and the goalie ski we can see who really stacks their pads...see how fast they come down.

  13. Don't forget the ceremonial running of the flaming cup by two girls from Brazil to start up the games.

  14. Thumbs down troll Bungie Jumping without a cord

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