
What are the Exotic horseracing betting wagers?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am a novice horseracing bettor and would like to know, a detailed explanation of Exotic horseracing betting wagers. Can you help me in knowing the complete details of Exotic horseracing betting wagers?




  1. Exotic horseracing betting wagers – Exacta,Quinella, Trifecta, Superfecta

    EXACTA - You bet two horses to finishfirst and second in exact order. A $2 Exacta 3-5 means that horse#3 must win and horse #5 must finish second. A $2 Exacta box 3-5costs twice as much ($4) but combines the two horses to finishfirst and second, in either order. A $2 Exacta Box 3-5 pays offif the final order finish is either 3-5 or 5-3. Exacta bettingis a favorite among skilled handicappers and can provide somevery lucrative payoffs. At some racetrack Exactas are referredto as Exactors.

    QUINELLA – You bet two horses to finishfirst and second in either order. A $2 Quinella 4-5 pays off ifthe final order of finish is 4-5 or 5-4. As long as your two horsesfinish in the top two positions, you win. Quinellas generally(but not always) pay less than Exactors, simply because your twoselections can finisher in either order, rather than in exactorder.

    TRIFECTA – You bet three horses to finishfirst, second and third in exact order. A $2 straight Trifecta4-5-6 pays off only if the final order of finish is 4-5-6. A popularwager among many horseracing fans is a $1 Trifecta box of threeor more horses. A $1 Trifecta box of three horses such as 4-5-6costs $6 but includes six possible winning $1 combinations. Thebox pays off if your three selections finish in the top threepositions in any order. The cost of a $1 Trifecta box is equalto the number of combinations multiplied by $1. Trifectas canproduce huge payoffs on occasion. At some racetracks Trifectasare referred to as Triactors.

    SUPERFECTA – Another wager that can producehuge payoffs. You bet four horses to finish first, second, thirdand fourth in exact order. A $2 straight Superfecta 4-6-5-2 paysoff only if the final order of finish is 4-6-5-2. A popular wageramong many fans is a $1 Superfecta wheel, in which you selectone horse to win and a combination of other horses to finish second,third and fourth. The cost of a $1 Superfecta wheel with one horseto win and three other horses to finish in any order in the second,third and fourth positions, costs $6. The cost of a $1 Superfectabox including four horses to finish first second, third and fourth,in any order, is $24.

    WAGERING DENOMINATIONS - Exacta and Trifectaboxes and wheels are offered at most online betting sites andracetracks as $1 wagers. The minimum bet for a Quinella is $2.Superfectas are offered at some racetracks for as little as $0.10per combination. For example, a $0.10 Superfecta box includingfour horses would cost you $2.40. Of course, a lower wageringamount normally means a lower payout. If a $1 Superfecta box paysoff at $100, a $0.10 Superfecta Box would pay $10.

    Multiple-Race horseracing betting wagers -Daily Double, Win-3 (Pick-3), Win-4 (Pick-4) and Pick-6

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