
What are the Geographical Regions of San Jose, California? More questions and 10 points for best!?

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What is the longitude and latitude of San jose, California or just California..

What geographical region is california located it?

What factors of characteristics make California differnet from toher places? 8 of them

Movement, how has the movement of people, goods and ideas affected california about history.

how has the environment affect the history and living conditions in california or have people in california america made an impact upon the surrounding environment




  1. SAN JOSE is situated in between two mountains

    one is mount HAMILTON


    i think that this will answer some of the other questions as well

    living in between two mountains is quiet a challenge

    Mount hamilton on diablo range measure 1284 meters above the sea level

  2. San Jose : 37d 20' N / 122 d W

    Geographical region of Clifornia? Mid latitudes

    San Jose region in California : very near the Bay Area (SanFrancisco)

    California is different from other places because:

    1. It is the only region in North America having 'Mediterranean' climate and the name 'Sunshine state'

    2. California state has the largest population amongst the states of US

    3. San Andreas (Geological) fault that runs along the length of the state frequently rattles the state with mild to medium level earthquakes. It is one of the very few active faults where two plates move against each other sideways, one moving north & the other south and by their action, the coastal California along with California peninsula in Mexico (Baja California) might move away from NorthAmerican mainland in geologically short time.

    4. Tucked away from Pacific Ocean behind Coast Range San Joachim & Sacremento valleys are fertile agricultural regions reminiscent of ancient Roman lands with vine yards, date palms & citrus fruits.

    5. Though there are deserts in other states (Utah, Arizona) only in california they co-exist with a combination of high mountains on the coast, fertile valleys with moderate precipitation and optimum conditions for human habitat.

    6. The marine life is rich with all marine forms present in Pacific waters.

    7. San francisco (Frisco) is an old city, rich in its own culture that made possible the frist meeting that led to founding United Nations. The city (Stanford) and its suburbs like San Jose lead the world in Electronics often appearing futuristic. Intellectual heartland of US more into scientific creativity & innovation. US is proud of it all and that finds expression in the nation's dealings with other global powers.

    8. Los Angeles and its 'Hollywood' part became synonymous with film making. The city emerged from the shaow of Chicago to become the second largest metropolis in US. The largest movie production center has evolved its own 'filmi' culture that others who want to make movies emulate (Bollywood is an example).

    In the short history of US Californian role as a place where 'Gold Rush' happened, as a Wild West outpost and Cow Boy Country is unique like nowhere else. The original gold diggers bedraggled, in tatters dreaming to strike it rich yielded to railroad builders and enterpreneurs. Then came the showmen, show women, script writers, music folk and actors. Pursuers of technology have taken a firm grip over California now which is governed by a top notch movie hero. All this has global impact, on other states and environment.

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