
What are the Health Requirements to travel to Cologne, Germany?

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I am planning a trip to Cologne, Germany in the summer of 2007. Does anyone know what the health requirements/suggestions (immunizations, etc.) are?





  1. Taylor, Ummmmm...Germany isn't a third world country. You can drink the water and you can interact with its people.  American Soldiers arrive there on a daily basis with little more than their childhood immunizations.  Don't fret.  ......and to all who corrected Taylor...yes it's Koln if you're on that side of the Atlantic and Cologne if you're on this side of the ocean. Just like it's Germany here and Deutschland here. Munich here. Munchen there.

  2. my friend just got back from there. just make sure you are healthy and dont eat foods that look bad. tahts all she said other than that its clean and nice there

  3. From US or Europe, usually NONE

    Check with Travel Agent, or Cologne (Kolne) Tourist Information Office, or you local Health Center

  4. I've been to Europe many times, and I've never had to get any immunizations and stuff

  5. do you mean Koln Germany?

  6. none.

  7. Required by law are none but you better bring a good alcohol tolerance since Kölsch Beer seems to be the cheapest drink to be had anywhere.. lol..cheaper than Sodas!

  8. Check with the GERMAN consulate

    check with the city itself Koeln

    check with "Gesundheitsamt"

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