
What are the Multiple-Race horseracing betting wagers?

by Guest55815  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I am unable to understand the Multiple-Race horseracing betting wagers, in horse race betting. Can you help me know, complete details of Multiple-Race horseracing betting wagers?




  1.   Multiple-race wagers require you to pick thewinners of a set number of consecutive races on one ticket. Thesetypes of wagers can and do produce excellent payoffs, particularlywhen favorites fail to win.

    The Daily Double, featured on the first two andlast two races of the day at many racetracks, requires that youpick the winners of two consecutive races. The Pick-3 or Win-3requires you to select the winners of three consecutive races.The Pick-4 or Win-4 requires you to select the winners of fourconsecutive races and the Pick-6 requires you to select the winnersof six consecutive races.

    Multiple race bets are usually offered as a $1wager or greater. The cost of the wager is equal to the numberof horses selected in the first race (first leg) multiplied bythe number of horses selected in the second race (second leg),multiplied by the number of horses in the third leg etc. for upto six races, multiplied by the amount of your bet. For example:

    $1 Win-4 Wheel: 1 with 4,5,6 with 2, with 3,4 wouldbe:
    1 selection * 3 selections * 1 selection * 2 selections * $1 =$6

    It is slightly more difficult to select winningcombinations when playing exotic and multiple race bets, but therisk is often worth the reward, especially if the favorite getsbeat. These wagers offer the best chance of making a big scoreat the track for the least amount of money.

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