
What are the NY jets going to be like this season?

by Guest31786  |  earlier

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I'm a browns fan and I'm wondering how I should feel about tonight. I realize it's preseason but I just want to get a feel for how my browns will do this year. Are the jets predicted to be a competitive team this year?




  1. browns are going 10-6 there d is gonna step it up but still miss the playoffs cuz the jets will go 11-5 with brett  

  2. 4 farve is not a strong  anymore. you can have a great qb but if you dont know who to throw it too ...its a lost cause.

  3. Above average offense, weak defense. I really don't think that the Jets will do to much. Maybe 8-8. The Browns will take the AFC North or get a wildcard, but i feel strongly that they'll make the playoffs.

  4. Brett Favre had a great year last season because with the Packers he had talented receivers and a good defense and running game,with the Jets he will find out,it wasn't all him

  5. I think they will be an ok team. Given that their schedule isn't that hard, the only one that really stand in their way is NE. The offense really need to start early while Thomas Jones and Washington need to step up their game in order for the Jets to make it to the post season.  

  6. They have given themselves a chance to improve.  If he QB situation had remained at the status quo, then Jets fans had no real hope for material change over last year.  Not a Jets fan; but, I don't know what more you can do for a team's morale than add hope to the equation.  The gamble may not work out.  Be prepared.  But, I just don't see how the Jets will regret the decision.   Like most seasons, the team will likely lose games they should have won and vice versa.  HOPE is a big deal for any organization.  No use rating the trade today because the preseason has not begun and this may be Jets injury season. Or not.  TOO EARLY TO GRADE THE JETS.    

  7. The biggest issue is keeping Favre playing and injury free.

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