
What are the NYSE Arca web book options?

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Hi all,

was wondering if anybody knows how the NYSE Arcabook works, currently I am working with the link

but except the symbol, I don't know what the other options mean and what the Arcabook.php can take as different options. So would be very grateful, if anybody can help. Many thanks,





  1. Arca is one of the systems that can be used to route orders for a security.  What you see on that screen are called "Level 2" quotes, which are the amounts a particular person is willing to pay to buy a security, or is willing to accept to sell a security.

    There are 2 sides, on the left you will see the bids, on the right you will see the asks.  Bids are what people are willing to pay for a stock, asks are what people are asking to sell the stock.  With that info, the price column is obvious.

    Size is the number of shares that particular price is valid for.  For example, right now the highest bid for IYF is 80.29 with a size of 581.  That person is willing to buy 581 shares of IYF for a price of 80.29.

    The time column is nothing more than the time the bid or ask was placed.

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