
What are the Noahide laws and how will they affect the United States?

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I read at that when the israel lobby (the real government of the US) subdues the muslims, it will begin working on Christians. But the beheading of American Christians (for practicing paganism, which is what jews consider Christianity) can't begin until martial law has been engineered, probably the nuking of an American city. What do you gather from reading Berry's website?




  1. Apparently - Berry is a nutcase.

  2. Dude, are you serious?  

    The biggest problem with the internet is that people who used to be easily written off as nuts (you know, they'd be in Times Square ranting about whatever, you'd give them 50 cents and go about your business) now have a forum for their nonsense.

    Below are the actual laws, they're a lot like the Ten Commandments:

    Prohibition of Idolatry: You shall not have any idols before God.

    Prohibition of Murder: You shall not murder.

    Prohibition of Theft: You shall not steal.

    Prohibition of Sexual Promiscuity: You shall not commit adultery.

    Prohibition of Blasphemy: You shall not blaspheme God's name.

    Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals: Do not eat flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive.

    Requirement to have just Laws: You shall set up an effective judiciary to enforce the preceding six laws fairly.

  3. Berry's crazy?  Isn't that the first thing n***s and communists call someone when he disagrees with them?  Yes.

    And what did you disagree with when you visited the site?  Can't say cause you didn't actually read any of it.  It's like the 'jews' who've never read the New Testament because they have a rabid hatred for Jesus Christ, the only Messiah the world WILL EVER KNOW.  Yet, they can tell you all about it.

    The Noahide laws are a very real possibility.  If you think such a thing can't happen in America, learn something about nazism and communism.  Both movements were funded by "jewish" money.  Marx was a Jew.  So was Lenin.  

    Communism pretty much eradicated Christianity from Russia.  Nazism did the same thing in Germany.  That was the primary purpose of these two satanic blemishes on history.

    In America and Canada, there is currently a movement to outlaw the New Testament as a promoter of "hate crimes" because it (rightfully) vilifies the "jews" who murdered Jesus Christ, the only Messiah THE WORLD WILL EVER KNOW.  "Hate crime" laws will be just the beginning. has many articles written by very learned Christian scholars and historians who have devoted their entire lives to studying the Scriptures.  Don't be influenced by the countless "jewish" operatives in yahoo answers or yahoo's chatrooms whose purpose is to cajole Americans into accepting the zionazi agenda.  Be a Real Christian, a Real Patriot, and a Real American.

    And Christianity is illegal in false israel, Palestine.  Did you know that?  It's not well broadcast because the "jews" own 80% of America's media, and it doesn't reflect well on them for the world to know this.

    Don't scoff without reading the articles.  That's not an adult thing to do.

    In Jesus' Glorious and Holy name.

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