
What are the PRINCIPLES and GUIDELINES in assessing children with emotional and behavioral problems??

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hey.. can you help me with these question?

im now taking up courses about special educ and i cant find these topics here in the net.. please post some of the sites if you know some.. thank you very much.. you would help a lot.. thanks!!




  1. You would have to do some CBA (cognitive behaviour assessments) through a child psychologist or a doctor. Many doctors will ask for info from teachers, family members, friends about the child's behaviour. Most times the behaviour issues would have to persist long enough and sever enough to make everyday life for the child more difficult. For instance a child who has selective mutism would be an obvious one because he/she would not be comfortable speaking at ALL in public settings. And then for children with social phobia may be more hard to determine because many children in the younger ages tend to be a little shy..but social, behavioural and emotional disorders are all about how sever they are and to what extent they issues occur.

    Doing things like behaviour check list, (how often do they speak out in class, etc)

    What make them anxious, or what activities do they shy away from..

    If you are working with the child within the classroom...making notes about the kids of behaviours that happen is key to assessing.

  2. In the US the sole federal guide is the IDEA law. Then state's refine and attach their own additional pieces, and local systems can then make further adaptations. The federal law does not change, but each additional level adds more restrictions.

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