
What are the Police Officers in your area like?

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Are the police officers in your area out to get you and ruin a good time, or are do they value their power and use it accordingly?




  1. The police in my area are generally pretty quiet. I actually don't see a lot of them. However, on a few occassions I have seen the police dealing with domestic disputes and drunken teenagers at the park. They seemed to do a good job and get everything under control.

    I've needed to call the police a few times and they've always been very helpful and respectful of eachother and the people that they're dealing with. I've never seen a police officer on a "power trip", so to speak. I think that they value their power and don't use it to harm others.

  2. They are hopeless. They are friendly enough, but they don't enforce the rules.

    Using mobile phones while driving, speeding (not slightly, people drive like idiots on our roads) and other motoring offences are just ignored. The Gardaí around here generally only nick people if they are called out (shoplifters etc), if someone gets injured, or if a formal complaint is made.

  3. No, mine value their power and use it accordingly.

  4. maricopa county is known as the place that smashes dreams.

  5. i live in a very small town and they are as----holes,,if you look at them they will pull you over for no reason..they are out to get us because the bad ones have ruined it for the good ones,,i had one to pull me over and give me a ticket when i used to give ice water to drink when he was hot mowing grass,i told him that too,and would you believe he said ''sorry about your luck""..i got so mad and i never will help him again,,thats what you get for doing a good

  6. I live in a small town, they're there fast enough when you don't want them but when you do need them it takes quite a long time for them to respond.

  7. Most that I've encountered (save a few) have been very nice. I had an old warrant for a bad check, that when I called in a robbery instead of arresting me they told me to take care of it and I did. That was nice. I didn't even know I had a warrant, it had been out there more than 10 years.

    The other guy helped me fix my car on the freeway. I was very grateful.  

  8. Just read yesterday that a cop got suspended for using his taser on a guy in exchange for fifty bucks.  I guess the guy wanted to know what it felt like to get the "touch" taser method without the flying spikes.  Another one of the cops in my city got fired for unloading his gun on a broad committing the capital offense of trying to get a forged prescription filled.  On the plus side, I saw a couple of cops rousting a bum who had wandered far away from the freeway where he was pandering and got his *** out of the city so that was good.

    All in all just like any other force.  Some good, some roided out, small penised guys with god complexes.

  9. They are effective in my area.I have a digital scanner and hear many arrests a night.A number of arrests were made tonight when pulling someone over for failure to use a turn signal,defective tail & brake light,and for speeding.The arrests were not for those offences but they had warrants for failure to appear,pay tickets,driving while license suspended,and two had a small amount of mary jane.

  10. Professional.

  11. Any officer I have dealt with in this community has been very nice.  They aren't out looking to ruin a good time, nor do they come across as having "power".  They're just doing their job as best as they can... which is not always easy with the idiots they have to deal with on a daily basis.

  12. The Police in my area are far too busy dealing with 'real' criminals to bother with decent law abiding citizens.

    I have lived in many locales over the years and have only come across one 'bad' Police officer. And nothing came of that because his partner intervened and put a stop to his abuse.

    I have all the respect in the world for the police. They take out the garbage in our society only to watch the courts set them free. It must be the most ungratifying job in the world.

  13. Same as with any area. There are officers who earned the badge, and other abuse it. But i can say the police dont bust down doors for nothing.

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