
What are the Pro's and Con's of spaying/nuetering your cat?

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What are the Pro's and Con's of spaying/nuetering your cat?




  1. I feel they should be but be very careful on who you take them to, I had a cat die  a week later  from it due to the fact they forgot to give her (Emily) her antibiotic shot that happened 7 years ago and I am still very upset!

  2. Pros: Male cat wont mark his territory(pee on furniture), Female cat wont have kittens

    Cons:Female cat will have kittens, cat will have to go through surgery

  3. There are only pros.  No kittens, no dealing with a cat in heat, no spraying  for territory, eliminates chances of cancer or loss of cat due to uterine infection.  Just lots of things.

    Cons: The primary con is anesthesia and subsequent infection problems.  Many vets are pushing spaying/neutering too young.  I understand their reasons, but I think 12 weeks is just too young.  We had one kitten neutered at 5 months just because he seemed a little too interested in the female kittens, but all the rest were done at 6 months. One of our kittens developed abscesses in both sides of where the testes were removed. Antibiotics cleared it up.

  4. Pros: If you spay/neuter them at an early age, they won't be as hissy and will be really affectionate. Guys won't pee on your furniture, and girls won't get pregnant just for wondering outside for too long.

    cons: your cat can't have kittens? I don't know, there are no cons.

  5. Pros-- In Females, spaying decreases the incidence of breast cancer (the rate goes down to almost zero if the spaying is done before the first heat cycle!). It eliminates the chance of developing a serious and potentially fatal infection of the uterus experienced by many mature unspayed animals (pyometra). Spay surgery also eliminates the heat cycle and associated mood swings and undesirable behaviors, ) and the attraction of all available males to your yard. Spaying also keeps your cat from breeding and having numerous litters every year.

    Another piece of advice, if you have never seen a cat in heat believe me you don't want to. We waited to get our cat fixed due to financial reasons and she almost drove us nuts when she went into heat. She yowled at all hours of the night. We could even here male cats out in the yard trying to get to her.

    There are no cons to spaying, it is the responsible thing that a pet owner should do.

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