
What are the Pros and Cons of being a Police Officer?

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When I was younger I always wanted to be a fire brigade worker however for the past few years, becoming a police officer has really appealed to me, I love the action it comes with. I understand it will change your views on many things and I understand the many bad points however what do you consider the Pros and Cons of being a police officer?





  1. There is no pros and cons if you really have a true officer inside you. You will be the one to enforce the law and be there to help someone in dire consequences and if required risk your life to save someone you do not know. Don't mind but its not action you should be exited for, you should look forward for the innermost satisfaction you can achieve by doing the service. Yeah i know its a job but more than a job its a service. Think about it first are you the one who can do a true service to the society.  

    Or if you are a different kind of person looking for safety in a govt.Job, security of payments, and additional payments, and retirement benefits, there are many pros, go for it.

  2. I really can't help you on the British version, however, there are some things that could be universal.

    CON - Work holidays, odd hours, often overtime

    PRO - Good benefits, (insurance, retirement, etc.)

    CON - Danger in the profession

    PRO - Dignified career

    CON - Long shifts

    PRO - Opportunity for advancement

    CON - Low pay and few raises

  3. If you do your job right you have something to be proud of.  Protecting the community is very tough and dealing with all types of people is even tougher.  The cons are the reputation that crooked cops have given to being a policeman.  Abuse of power, looking the other way, favors, the best dope, etc.  

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