
What are the Pros and Cons of buying an electric....?

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car or hybrid car? im thinking of tradin in my car for a hybrid or electric seeing as gas so nutty. so what's good about em what's bad?




  1. The electric is too heavy due to the batteries. Making the range when new about 120 miles. As the batteries get older they will do even less...

  2. Pros: much cheaper to fuel, better for the environment, lower maintenance, higher resale value

    Cons: higher cost up-front, fully electric vehicles don't yet have very good range

    See the link below for further details.  Right now the best bet is the Toyota Prius, but in 2010 there will be a number of plug-in hybrids and fully electric cars available.  It might be worth waiting until then (see second link below).

  3. The cons about buying an electric is that they don't exist.

    If you can't wait two years, get a Prius.

  4. If you don't' produce your own power in some way, it will get expensive soon; most places are going to raise electric rates 25%+ before too long.   Also, the country doesn't have an adequit electric grid to handle many people charging vehicles from it.   Remember the east coast blackout of a few years ago?    That will be the norm when everyone overloads the grid.

  5. the best things are that they do not pullute but thats about it. they dont have very much get up and go and your electric bill will go way up. try a hybrid or a more fuel efficient vehicle

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