
What are the RNC TV ratings so far compared to the DNC's?

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What are the RNC TV ratings so far compared to the DNC's?




  1. The RNC convention ratings was minuscule to the DNC convention ratings.

  2. A rhetorical question.

  3. considering that you have to put up ANOTHER FOUR SATELLITE DISHES and start HARD-CODING a PC-based descrambler with Milspec decryption capabilities just to SEE a glimpse of the Republican National Convention...

    and the DNC ZEUS-fest '08 that Barry just put on a week earlier could be picked up on a 1971 RCA with bad ANTENNA reception...qualifies HARDLY qualifys as a fair comparison (tough to believe, I know, the UNBIASED news media favoring a candidate with ties to the Black Liberation movement and the FRICKEN Weathermen)...

  4. does it really matter?

    im guessing that will determine the next president for morons.

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