
What are the Roles and Qualites of a U.S. Citizen?

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What are the Roles and Qualites of a U.S. Citizen?




  1. There isn't anyplace to go to that defines this.  We're whatever we choose to be.

    It's our government that's defined, and has specified roles and qualities, and those are found in the Constitution.

    We're free. We don't have assigned roles.

  2. To be loyal to this nation to abide by the laws we have elected officials to legislate for us. Entitled to our individual ideas and having the right to voice them--- yet even when we disagree we are united in our allegiance to our nation and fellow citizens.

  3. Do not ask politicians questions or be critical , especially , if the content of your question concerns those in office or if a cop in a hurry to get to Dunk and Donuts.  You will be tased  or shot.  

    Be prepared to be spied on an taxed to death.

    there are no other roles I can think of.  

    If you are a citizen, consider , where you will move.

  4. A U.S. citizen has rights.

    Her role is to vote, and make her voice known.

    The MOST important role a U.S. citizen has is to be welcoming to those who immigrate into our fair nation; we are all children of immigrants with the exception of the Native Indigenous Peoples (aka Indians).

  5. While our rights are granted to us by our creator, being a citizen is not a right, it is a privilege.

    I feel very strongly on this, and as another answerer said it can be individual perception.

    Here is my perception. We need to be as educated as possible for our situation. We need to produce, so that others don't need to produce for us. We need to be truly informed about all of the issues that face our country and community.

    We need to exercise our rights and privileges, and protect them when someone tries to infringe upon them. And finally, we need to respect all others in our community and country, no matter their race, s*x, or political leanings.

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