
What are the SI units for jerk?

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What are the SI units for jerk?




  1. Jerk is measured in metres per second cubed (m/s3) in SI units , or in feet per second cubed (ft/s3) in imperial units..

    jerk equals 0.3048 m/s3 or about 0.03108g /sec.

  2. meters per second cubed.

  3. m/s*3, maybe. It is the rate of change of acceleration, right?

  4. LOL, "JumpingS" is an idiot.  He shouldn't be answering questions in the physics area.

    LOL "yeah youre the Jerk!!!!" Jerk

  5. m/s³

  6. Jerk is the time derivative of acceleration. Therefore, the units are the units of accleration divided by the units of time: that is m/s^2 divided by s. The answer is m/s^3.

    Think about it. When we say that the jerk is j (m/s^2)/s, what we mean is that in each second the acceleration will change by j m/s^2. Just like how an accleration of "9.8 meters per second per second" means that each second the velocity will change by 9.8 meters per second.

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