
What are the Signs of STD? Help?

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I want to go a check myself out im always wet down below and there is an odor down below. i had thrush in the past but can it come again? i don't have A rash,redness,soreness,pain on peeing,itching or any obvious discomfort.none of that, just its wet and the odor smell... i don't wanna go to the STD unit and get laught at lol so i would prefer to ask her for your opinion, can i have STD cause im wet all the time or what is it?




  1. it could be a yeast infection.

  2. Your suffering from God help any boy that scuba dives you syndrome

  3. you have tricomons its a bacteria so get to the doctors and get them 3 pills

  4. First of all, what do you care more about? Getting so called "laughed at" at your STD unit, or carrying around something that you could spread to others and that can ultimately end up scarring you and making it impossible for you to have children? The people in the STD unit see this kind of thing on a daily basis. Also, there are other reasons you could have odor. Don't listen to the person that told you you had Trichomoniasis. It could very well be bacteria vaginosis, which is a very common bacterial infection that ALL women experience at least one time in their life. Don't spend anymore time wondering. Go get checked.  

  5. its true that thrush can appear over and over again, but ive always been told that if discharge smells, then it's probably a bacterial infection.

    if i were you, i would go to the STD unit (you wont be laughed at) because whether its thrush or bacterial, it is easily cured and you will feel much better very soon.

  6. Basically the odour confirms that you have some form of infection. If you have been sexually active the only safe option is a GUM clinic. You can self refer.

  7. If you think it could be an std you should go to the docs you don't want to pass it on. They will not laugh at you if it is not an std. Some std's have little or no signs so go to the docs.

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