
What are the Social, Economic and Environmental impacts of asteroids hitting the Earth?

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i need it for an exam!




  1. Unless them asteroids are filled with chocolate and other little goodies like giant flying pinata coming from the sky from Santa Claus for all us little kiddies, then I imagine it could be a rather painfully spooky trip on an imagined, project-tiled, rocky road up ahead...

    in which case, if I had any extra money I might want to invest in stock from whatever companies make very large and strong, fire proof rubber umbrellas and maybe them big, fat, giant red rubber boxing gloves and start working out my arms and legs to Rocky Balboa's theme song and maybe start dating some frisky soccer players with them very large deep sea diving flipper fins on their lil feets so we can have some fun exercising our buns and thighs trying to march our way thru all them space rocks to the office of the Wizard of Oz and ask if we might at least get a tax break in order to buy more Starbucks and Krispy Kreme donuts in order to feed them rockem-sockem soccer players....

    And I suppose if that sounds silly and impractical to anyone, we can always all get together and write a nasty blog complaining to Colonel Sanders why has he not captured Chicken Little yet damnit!

  2. DEATH!

  3. Depends on the size and the location where it hits ? If it hit Washington DC then it would be a good thing . It could be the event that would spell the end to humanity .

  4. Maybe our Neighbours that we hate might die, then we will be more social with those that survive.

    And I will have their jobs, if I like doing c**p; and the area will look better because their bog-ugly faces will have disappeared from us all.

    Is that the right answer ?

    The answer is also partially at,    and at

  5. All depends on how large the asteroid is:


    Small one hits in the middle of no ware - none - an item on the news.

    A reasonable size ones destroys a city --- as per 'normal' distasters of earthquakes etc  --- the rest of the world will help out and we will recover.

    a large one --- extinction event or the end of our way of life as we know it...

    PS don't worry about such an event happening soon.

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