
What are the Standard Playing Cards of India known as?

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The French-suited playing cards are the main International Playing Cards of the world. These have four suts: Spades, Hearts, Diamonds and Clubs. Hundreds and thousands of games are being played all over the world. We in India also play with these cards , which are 52 and Jokers. The Standard playing Cards of USA are POKER, In Germany standard games are played with 32 cards and are called SKAT, In Switzerland the cards of 36 cards called a Piqet pack. Spain has also 40 cards. Japan' s Hanafuda, Kabu Fuda, etc. have 48 cards, and we have 96 or 120/144 hand painted cards for the games to be played with 3 or 4 and sometimes with 5 persons. What are these cards known as?




  1. 1. Rummy

  2. ganjifa,

  3. We'll mention it as Rummy!!!

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