
What are the State laws for having the carpets cleaned in a pre-school?

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I was told by a carpet cleaner today that State laws require carpets be "steamed cleaned daily"at pre-schools. I found this a little hard to believe. Anyone ever heard of such a thing?? Thanks for your help.




  1. no way -I have never heard of such a thing. Check with your state's licensing specialists. I have my carpets cleaned twice a year - once over Christmas break and once right before registration night.

  2. its not really required but i guess its better if the do clean them becuase kids throw up and there maybe a lot of germs and kids may step in something like dog p**p so you wouldnt want that smell in your room or what ever

  3. No way -- if you "steam cleaned" your carpets daily, they'd never get dry... that would lead to mold, and you surely don't want that!

    Carpets should be vacuumed with a commercial-grade vacuum each day, at the end of the day, to prepare for the next day.  

    I am a preschool director and we clean our carpets daily with a vacuum, and "deep clean" them twice a year.  If we have someone that throws up or spills something on the carpet, we have our own steam cleaner (Hoover) that we pull out and use.  It gets up pretty much anything in the carpet and we can always pull it out for spot touch-ups as well.

    Invest in your own steam cleaner (approximately $150) and you'll be glad that you did!

  4. I think he's after your wallet. I would think a daily vaccuum is good, with steam cleaning 1-2X a year. Maybe more during cold/flu season. But way!

  5. In NY that's not true. You are expected to vacuum daily or more often when needed and heavy cleaning, such as carpet cleaning, may not be done with the children present. It sounds like the guy is trying to sell you something you don't need,but read the regulations to be sure.

  6. I do carpet cleaning. You can not clean your carpet more then 2 to 4 time a year with out F**k it up. From what u r tell me I would not lit this man clean my carpet. He is trying to con you out of a lot of money.

    P.S. To get carpet clean it cast $85- min. It gos by the SQF .25 to .50 a SQF.

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