
What are the Top 5 places to see in Berlin, Germany?

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I'm going to Berlin this weekend and would like some suggestions for what I can do - doesn't have to be tourist attractions, can be restaurants or things to do.




  1. what a you doing where the free time?

  2. Places of Interest would be :

    Brandenburg Gate, the TV tower on Alexanderplatz - a 368-metre observation tower with rotating restaurant; Memorial Church on Kurfürstendamm, Gendarmenmarkt square - a beautiful and harmonious architectural synthesis with the Konzerthaus concert hall, the German Cathedral and the French Cathedral; the dome of the Reichstag - fascinating architecture and splendid views of the government quarter and the city centre; Hackesche Höfe - Berlin's famous nightlife; Potsdamer Platz - ultra-modern buildings, shops, entertainment and commercial centre.

    Brandenburg Gate and the Memorial Church - unmistakeable symbols of the city

    Brandenburg Gate is Berlin's most famous landmark and a symbol of division overcome. For many years it stood in no man's land next to the Berlin Wall and was reopened on 22 December 1989, following the fall of the Wall. The Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church on Kurfürstendamm is a memorial to peace and reconciliation and symbol of Berlin's determination to rebuild during the post-war era.

    The Reichstag and government quarter

    The Reichstag is the German parliament building and, with its new glass cupola designed by Sir Norman Foster, has become one of Berlin's most popular attractions. The Federal Chancellery is one of the most impressive buildings in the newly built government quarter. The large white building is part of the "Band des Bundes", or "ribbon of government" that links the new buildings and creates an architectural dialogue with the historical Reichstag.

    Hackesche Höfe

    The painstakingly restored Hackesche Höfe courtyards are extremely popular with tourists and trendsetters alike. Consisting of a web of eight courtyards designed for living and working, the Hackesche Höfe form the largest complex of its kind in Germany. The complex was built in the late 18th/early 19th century and, like many such courtyards in Berlin, was a mix of offices, workshops, multi-storey factories (particularly in the buildings in front of the courtyards) and apartments.

    Food and drink :

    From a quick snack to a gourmet meal at a fine restaurant - the choices for eating out in Berlin are endlessly varied. Traditional Berlin cuisine tends to be rustic and hearty - Berlin meatballs and currywurst (sausage with a curry sauce) are typical examples. Eisbein (knuckle of pork) and "Berliner Weisse" (speciality beer) are also Berlin specialities. In Berlin, you can enjoy breakfast at any time of day. The in-crowd gather at the many cafés until well into the afternoon, drinking coffee, enjoying international breakfast specialities and reflecting on the previous night's events.

    Restaurant Aigner and Restaurant Altes Zollhaus

    Enjoy regional specialities in a cosy setting at Restaurant Aigner on Gendarmenmarkt or the Altes Zollhaus in Mitte district.

    Lorenz Adlon

    The Hotel Adlon Kempinski is a wonderful blend of the glamorous past and the vibrant present. The first-floor restaurant has views over the Brandenburg Gate and provides an elegant setting within which to enjoy the haute cuisine, fine wines and impeccable service.

    Hope this helps!  Have Fun!!

  3. I'll give you a few things...First..i believe nobody can live without shopping...check out this site for ideas..

    The Berlin wall is a must and nightlife is really rich. You could really enjoy yourself in the nightclub Knaack Klub Berlin and even the bar / club 40 seconds. Berlin is awesome...just stroll around the'll discover things for yourself. The choice i always take is the bus tour...extremely helpful-and safe.

    gd luck and take care



  4. Berlin is my favourite city in Europe. The German capital is truly captivating. For the first time visitor, these are my top five (including a sneaky sixth installment!):

    1. Brandenburg Gate / Reichstag & Government Quarter

    Both world-renouned landmarks of the city of Berlin.

    2. Schloss Charlottenburg

    Built between 1695 and 1699 for Sophie Charlotte (wife of King Freidrich I of Prussia) and extensively rebuilt after World War II due to damage caused thereby, this is Berlin's largest and arguably most beautiful palace.

    3. Bus nos. 100 & 200

    Both services set out from Zoologischer Garten railway station and follow similar routes (no. 100 passes the government quarter, no. 200 passes through Potsdamer Platz). Many of Berlin's major sights can be seen from these bus routes.

    4. Haus am Checkpoint Charlie Museum (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)

    The museum exhibits an extensive collection of real-life stories, propaganda and memorabilia from the time of Berlin's occupation and division by the Allied Forces. Checkpoint Charlie itself was a former border crossing point between the American and Soviet occupational zones (1945 - 1990). Replicas of the US Army patrol hut and entry/exit sign can be found on the site. The acutal hut in use at the time of German reunification is in the Alliierten-Museum in the Zehlendorf district.

    5. Unter den Linden / Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße

    Unter den Linden is a wide boulevard that extends eastwards from the Brandenburg Gate. It is lined with great architectural buildings, cafés, bars, restaurants and foreign missions. At the Lustgarten (open green space) the street becomes Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße. As you continue along the boulevard, you pass Berlin cathedral, Berlin city hall (Rotes Rathaus) and Alexanderplatz, on which the TV tower (Fernsehturm) and world clock are found.

    6. East Side Gallery

    The longest remaining section (approx. one mile) of the Berlin Wall that still stands today. It is found on Mühlenstraße (between S-Bahn stations Ostbahnhof and Warschauer Straße).

  5. If you are there long enough I suggest a visit to the zoo. It is a good day out. I spent 2 years in Berlin.

  6. Potsdam is supposed to be a good site. Its a large palace and Its southwest of berlin. Also try Dahme-Seengebiet, it looks like an amazing place. Its got lots of different scenery and seems a nice place to visit.

    Or jsut go search on different travel sites for sites to see in berlin, it should help....

  7. Try the Huupbanhoff (not spelt correctly) Railway Station for plenty of Fast Food outlets. Perfect for day time snacks. And the Hotel Tiergarten on Moabit ave  - great breakfasts

  8. i dont know how long you're staying for, but if you're there on the 25th, theres an electro band called Robots in Disguise who are playing there at a place called Lido. It will be a special gig too because they have a guest drummer who is ace. they've been on the mighty boosh before too.

    would be a brilliant night out

  9. There is so much to do -

    I have been there -and I am not copying this info from a book or another web-site!!

    #1. I would recommend first doing a free Berlin tour....They are fab and show you the main sites. (You don't spend a long time at each place - but at leats you know where it is if you want to go back after)

    The guidea are funny and know the history of the area.

    Here are a few links..they all have loads of tours at different times of the day..

    You will find others as well in Berlin. You don't have to pay - just a tip if you want to -as they - the guides - do it free.

    #2 Now you have seen most of the top places--

    You have to see the Jewish Museum - it is amazing - it can't be done in a day - so choose which bits you want to see.

    It is very interactive and  informative - and called the no.1 museum in Berlin.

    #3. Have a look at this site - as I said there is so much to do and see

    #4. We did the Berlin Pub crawl - which was nice and got the chance to meet other people - people turned up by themselves or with others..

    You get a free shots between crawls . I got tipsy - it was fun...

    #5 - Go with the flow ... just go for a walk - that is what we did - you will find interesting things everywhere - it is best to walk around and stop and look at what appeals to you the most.

    Some people love museums more, others shopping etc...

    Have agreat time - it really will be difficult not to.

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