
What are the absolute essential accessories you need when buying a new bike?

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What are the absolute essential accessories you need when buying a new bike?




  1. follow up question......

    do you think it's possible to buy all the things you guys are suggesting, including a half decent road bike for <$1,000?

  2. Absolute essentials;

    Pedals plus shoes and cleats


    All the rest I would consider essential, but I don't consider I have anything rideable without the above.

  3. Bike chain and lock.

  4. bottle cages


    a saddle bag

    spare tubes

    co2 or pump

    patch kit

    some times pedals depending on the bike

    also a cyclometer is good

    also a helmet and the proper clothing and shoes

  5. Pedals. Of the last few bikes I bought, one came with crappy pedals and the other came with clip-less pedals. I prefer a good set of spiky "bear trap" pedals (the kind BMX bikes might use). I find them a lot more sturdy and grip my feet well. They hurt like h**l when you slip on them though.

    Two other essentials are a good quality lock, and a water bottle/cage set.

  6. legs of equal length.

  7. That list could get quite long, but for certain a helmet.

    Depending on what type of bike or cycling you're doing a    simple repair kit to take along including



      tire irons (levers)


      I usually throw in a ten spot ($10) into the patch kit for emergencies

    Other acces: could include:

      cycling shorts



      a How To book on riding

      a How To book on repairs

    Those are some of things I can think of.

    Get out and ride!

  8. bicycle clips

  9. It really depends on what type of riding you'd be doing. But the minimum: A helmet and pump with built in pressure gage.

    I add a patch kit or spare tubes, tire levers and lights if night riding. This will keep you safe and your bike basically on the road for short rides around the 'hood etc. For a little longer rides, add a water bottle and cage.

    As you ride more, longer and harder the list gets longer:

    tools for general maintenance, gloves, sport glasses, chain and general lubes.

    Upgrades for more performance riding would be: cycling shorts, jersey, clipless pedals and shoes.

  10. Lid and Gloves come in at first place.

    Water bottle and bottle cage are also up there as must haves.

    Mini pump + repair kit + spare tube.

    If you are going to be leaving the bike, a decent lock.

    If you are riding at night - Lights.

    Multi tool + chain breaker.

    For general comfort, look at cycling clothing.  Shorts/tights are great for not getting oil on your decent clothes and staying comfortable.  After that, decent lightweight top and jacket.

    You might also want to upgrade your saddle, since some are just not very compfy, are overpadded and chafe. I would wait and see how you get on with the saddle before forking out on a new one.

    Also, make sure that your household insurance covers the bike or take out separate insurance.


  11. The basic essentials are a pump, puncture repair kit and tyre levers. But you need lights to ride in the dark, and maybe a crash hat to stay safe.

    If its a new bike you will also have to check the tightness of the nuts, because they dont all come tightened.

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