
What are the adaptation of thalasia sp.?

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What are the adaptation of thalasia sp.?





    Physical Description

    The seagrass Thalassia testudinum has flat, strap-like leaf blades that are 10 to 60 cm in length and 4 to 12 mm in width and are rounded at the ends (Short and Coles 2001, Phillips and Meñez1988). However, the relatively flt leaves may take on an oval shap during the photosynthetic zenith of the afternoon sun (Phillips and Meñez1988). Turtle grass has an extensive rhizome and root structure that is capable oftrapping particle in situ and eventually raising the level of sediment organic matter (Zieman and Zieman 1989). Turtle grass has a narrow range of adaptation to light and temperature (Phillips and Meñez1988) nd also salinity (Zieman and Zieman 1989).


    Turtle grass can exist in deep clear water to depths of 30 meters, but mainly resides in subtidal areas from low tide to 10 meters. The plant prefers substrate containing mud or sand in reasonably sheltered locations. Even though this seagrass appears to be somewhat fragile in terms of requiring sheltered locations and its low tolerance range to physical factors, meadows that are densely clumped can withstand erosion effects created by hurricanes (Phillips and Meñez1988). **** -see link for thes additional references.

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