
What are the advantages and disadvantages for using animals for organ donors?

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  1. Animal organ transplants simply cannot work on the human body. Disadvantages of animal organ transplant in the human body  are far greater then their advantages. They are low cost and readily available. However, they have a different genetic and biological make up, and human body will identify them as anti bodies.

  2. this is stupid some one should put a better answer


  4. disadvantage

    1) animals r of different blood group from that of humans,so they cant b used

    2)antibodies in human bodies will identify these organs as foreign bodies

    3)structural difference(example kidney)

    4)difference in excretory methods.For example man excretes out in differnt form from that of others like a bird.So different organs suit differnt animals in different purpose

    5)DNA straggles is unique for a specific species

    6)Life span of an organ differs in different animals which can b proportional to the total life span of a specie

    7)regenerative capacity of specific organs(like liver in human)

    8)The rate of circulation of body fluid including blood

    9)rate of digestion



    1)easily available

    2)low cost for accruing a specific organ

    3)Can b even mass produced

    4)improvements in body mechanisms

    5)New genetic codes leading to much improved variety of species including immunity

  5. Toni Usher is s**y!

  6. Y isnt there more advantages than disadvantages??!
    God its soo annoying! :@

  7. nipples!!

  8. burn..

  9. haha

  10. shut up

  11. Haha i got a pass in this :P

  12. Are You Doing B3..Science?
    What are the advantages of using animals as organ donors for humans?

    • Easily make up for shortage

    • This could mean saving for NHS, more taxes to help pay for more research.

    • No social damages as you know your relatives/friends organs are in someone else’s body.

    What are the disadvantages of using animals as organ donors for humans?

    • There is a small possibility that there could be a transfer of pig or primates diseases with the transplant to the human which could seriously harm the patient and could even cause a large epidemic

    • Animals have rights. Many believe that animals too have rights, just like humans, and therefore have the right to live without fear of murder and not be killed of the purpose of helping humans by providing organs for transplants and therefore we should not exploit the animals for our benefit.

    • Scientists are “playing God” by genetically modifying the animals, and as said with argument on GM crops, we have yet to know what affect this will have on the environment and future generations.


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