
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a "child-free" lifestyle?

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of a "child-free" lifestyle?




  1. i love my son dearly && i wouldn't trade him for the world..

    but god i would love to have money in my pocket again && a full nights rest =]

  2. watching your child smile for the first, seeing them roll over, taking their first step, having thier first baseball game, watching them have a first date, watching the graduate high school and leave home for college, get married and have kids of their own to spoil and send back to their parents.

    without a child, save money, travel when and where you choose, all alone when your spouse passes away, no one to carry on the family name, no one to visit you when you are in a rest home or are dying.

    For some ppl they chose not to have kids because they enjoy their freedom, for other, mother nature dictate's that they can't have kids.

    Can't tell you to have or not have them but I know I would be very lonely without my kids. I love them with all my heart and they are first in my life.

  3. When starting out in a relationship it is difficult, and you are there to keep each other together. It gets easier as you go both with children or without, but without you feel as though there is something missing. Once all your friends start having children and you see just how happy they are because of them it really tugs at you heart a lot. Especially if you fit into the category that you cannot have children.  

    A lot of times in the grand scheme of things the children help bring adult parents together and give more love and affection to a relationship.

  4. If you don't have children, you can save a lot of money. You can also go wherever you want to whenever you want to.

    On the other hand, you will never know the unconditional love of a child. You will not have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to take care of you, listen to your stories, play with, etc. in your senior years. I could go on and on. To make it short, you will be mising out on so many great things if you don't have children.

    However, some people just don't want kids. If you truly think you don't want children, don't have one just because it's the "norm." Some people are perfectly happy without children.  

  5. I have children ( 40 ) my sister doesn't ( 47).  She has a bigger vacation album then me. LOL

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