
What are the advantages and disadvantages of dental implants?

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If you have personal experience, I´d like to ask about what are the small hidden (eventual) problems that can go together with implants (that the surgeons will not talk about), as well as the beneficial side of it.

About the costs I am already informed well.

Thank you




  1. i am actually getting 9 implants.  the implants will look more natural than dentures and once they are in you don't really have to worry about them they are like normal teeth.  you can eat apples and corn on the cob.  they are more like real teeth then dentures.  sometimes they can't fit all the implants in that you need and will need to make a bridge for two teeth.  you may need to get a bone graft to have enough bone to get the implants.  i guess there is the chance you body will reject them but that hasn't happened to me.  good luck.  

  2. Hi - Although I am a dental professional, I feel that I can still give you an honest answer to your question, which is something you should deserve as a patient, no matter what.  Let me start by telling you the disadvantages:  The major one is the cost. Dental implants are probably the most expensive dental procedures we have.  When compared to a 3-unit bridge, the initial cost is definately higher.  I want to stress the "initial" cost however, because bridges will always have a finite life span.  The average bridge lasts between 8 - 10 year, according to publications from the American Academy of Prosthodontics.  The truth is we don't really know how long implants will last, because we only have 40 years worth of data, however the ones which were placed 40 years ago are still in good function.  Therefore, the long-term economics actually are better with the dental implant.  Dental implants take longer to complete.  If there is no grafting necessary, it may take up to 8 months before you have your final tooth on the implant (you can probably have a temporary tooth much sooner though).  There is a surgery involved.  The simple placement of a dental implant is usually a very benign surgery with very little discomfort, however, if any grafting needs to be done ahead of time or at the time of the placement, this can cause more post-operative discomfort.

    Now for the good news:  They last longer, they have a much higher success rate than bridges, they will maintain bone and gum tissue better and therefore maintain better long-term esthetics (bridges don't do that too well over long periods of time), and finallly and probably most importantly, they don't require the adjacent teeth to be cut down.

    Anyhow, if you would like more info on dental implant, you can hop onto my website at: and explore some of the multimedia there, or you can check my Blog at to check for relevant posts.

  3. Having a Dental Implant will make it easier to chew, maintain correct pacing between your teeth and of course make your smile more attractive. The alternative might be a dental bridge which would affect three teeth.

    More on the costs, some Dentsist do provide Discounts on this and other dental work. For a list see below.

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