
What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a fine arts degree?

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if i have a career in fine arts..what will it do for me? what jobs can i get? how much money will i make?




  1. fun classes but no job opportunities

  2. I got my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1974.  I majored in painting and drawing.   My main field of endeavor for about the last 30 years has been relief printmaking, and I'm not bad at it.  My stuff gets  published now and then, with articles about it.  So my work is respected, acknowledged.   I've illustrated a few books, too, which have been published.


    Good luck with jobs.  Except for the few years when I did calligraphy for a living (this was before  personal computers with all their fonts were so common), I've never been able to make a living at it.  But I treasure that education, nonetheless.  I wouldn't change what I did.

      Forget the money.  Sometimes it happens, but more often it doesn't.  If you want to focus on fine arts, you have to do it for love, just because you are passionate about creating art.

  3. The jobs you can get with a fine arts degree is mostly teaching and they dont make anything.

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