
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in close proximity to a volcano?

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  1. the volcano mountainous area would be a beutiful sight but not if it eruted in your backyard

  2. The soil around the volcano would be very rich and the volcano would be a beautiful sight. But it's a volcano and it could erupt.

  3. Advantages - 24 hour warmth.

    Disadvantages - Run for it when the thick smoke starts to rise.

  4. The main advantage of living near a volcano is that the soil in the vicinity of a volcano tends to be extraordinarily fertile with a high nitrogen content, and this type of soil is usually well drained and friable, an excellent medium for the growth of all kinds of crops.

    One other possible advantage is the availability of hydro-thermal energy from hot springs or fumaroles (steam vents) which can be used, as in Iceland for example, to generate electricity and to heat and provide hot water to public buildings, greenhouses and homes.

    The main disadvantage, fairly obviously, is that the volcano, if active or dormant, may well erupt with truly devastating consequences for the surrounding area, and the possibility of a high risk to life and property. Volcanic eruptions can take many forms. Not all eruptions are explosive or produce great streams of lava. The gases erupted by volcanoes can be equally, or even more dangerous because generally speaking they are highly toxic and they also tend to be invisible.

    A further disadvantage is that the land areas near to active volcanoes may well be subject to frequent earthquakes, landslides, rock flows, and mud flows, all of which can pose a serious risk to life and property.

  5. volcanic sand, is a great medium for container gardening, regular sand has so much lime the high pH keeps the iron insoluble so plants can't absorb it.

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