
What are the advantages and disadvantages of mixed economy?

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it's okay if you give me the specific details or just a specific site in the net that has all the details..ONLY MIXED ECONOMY

this is for my project and pls help me.. NO MEAN ANSWERS PLS! thank you.





    Basically, socialism and communism are inefficient, unfair, and just don't work. Capitalism is very efficient and quite fair, but has aspects that upset people.  

    For example, in a purely capitalist society, if you didn't save enough when you were young, now you're too old to work and have no money, too bad.  So, as a society we decide it's best to take care of these people or find ways to force them to save while they are young (social security tax).  Health and education are typically other places where the government gets involved because we believe (quite rightly) that people are too stupid to make the right choices.

    The disadvantage is basically that the government can't do anything as efficiently as private enterprise. So, the more it is involved in the decision making the government is, the slower, less efficient, and expensive the result is.

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