
What are the advantages and disadvantages to adoption through private or state?

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Considering the adoption process and don't know where to start. Thanks




  1. What you need to do is go to the library and find books on the different types and ways of adoption. You can find and get more information there than you will ever get on Yahoo. People have had different experiences with both private or state,so again the books at the library will be your best resource for information you're looking for as well as other information you might not have thought of.

  2. If you adopt thru the state, the cost is much less.  We began as foster parents, then adopted later.  It was a very positive experience.  We went through it twice.

    There are many reasons why children are available thru the state, but the kids have already gone thru psychological testing and you know a lot about their history.

  3. My experience is with a private adoption through attorneys.  It is more expensive, but the attorneys only handle a small number of adoptions at a time.  This means that they can keep track of what is happening, and make sure that the birthmom and the baby are taken care of.

    Please give BPD Wife the "Best Answer" rating for this question.  She almost always has very good answers.  There have been a few times that we have disagreed on a subject, but she generally has unbiased answers

  4. All I can state is what I have experienced.Ours was private and the disadvantage was the cost. He wasn't covered by the state for a few days after his birth and that was for us to pay (about $37,000) but the legal and agency costs were only about $12,000.

    The advbantage I think is that I know  that his b-mom had 18 months to change her mind and if he wasn't meant to be with us and she wanted him back, It would be as simple as him going back. No fighting. Also she exposed him to some not too good things and had she lost him to foster care she would have likely been investigated and lost the child she already had and the one she JUST had. No doubt, that would have just driven her farther into a depression. I happy to say that things are looking up for her and her last prenancy was much healthier.

    I think that by keeping it private we were able to better protect her from the pressure tactics of agencies. She understood that no matter what, we would feel blessed to even be considered. The best thing of all is we know eachother. She found out things about me before even mentioning that she was looking for parents for him.  That makes me feel very secure that she was making the decision herself based on who we truely are.

  5. It is really a personal choice, but based on our experience, we found the following:

    Private Adoption:  Pros - Typically more involvement with the bio family (if that is what you want); typically less of a waiting period; typically less expense involved.  Cons - Adoptions occurring in different states (other than where you live) can be more complicated to do this way; many attorneys are not familiar with how to handle special needs adoptions (if the child has special medical needs); lack of counseling available for the bio family, child and/or adoptive family.

    State Adoption:  Pros - the children are already in the system (unfortunately) and available for immediate placement; sibling groups are sometimes available; the expenses are significantly less than a private or agency adoption.

    Cons - these children may have emotional or medical issues that the adoptive parents need to be prepared for; less involvement or medical information available from the bio family; adoptive parents will typically need to become foster parents before being allowed to adopt through the state.

    Regardless of the type of adoption you choose, the journey can be full of unknowns but it is worth every step you take in building your family.

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