
What are the advantages and disadvantages to homeschooling?

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Argue one way please...




  1. disadvantages are no matter what you say you tend to get lazyer then you would in school

  2. good things

    you get direct teaching. no one to interrupt.

    you have a better opportunity to learn more than in a public school

  3. cons: the discrimination

    pros: winning all the "im socialized AND homeschooled "debates"

    everything else

  4. advantages:

    more individualized teaching

    more comfortable environment


    missing out on social skills and opportunities

  5. Argue one way? Why? This isn't really a forum for heated debate. HS isn't for everyone, just like PS isn't for everyone. The benefits my family has found are too many to make a complete list.

    My child is learning more, she is happier, we are closer as a family, she has more time for her friends, She meets a wider variety of individuals, the food is much better, she's well rested and able to focus on her own interests and move at her own pace. We can also go to cheap matinees when the mood strikes us.

    EDIT: People like Crazed Psycho are mistaken. We had yoga this morning and jumped on the trampoline. We frequently hike in the woods. My daughter has taken ballet, horse back riding, gymnastics, tap, and is now enrolled in a martial arts program. In about 5 min. my daughter will be done for the afternoon and has already had two invitations to go play with friends. Do not buy into stereotypes.

  6. i went to public school K through middle of 9th grade.

    i'm still in 9th grade.

    but homeschooling is the best choice i have ever made so far!

    i'm actually on an online schooling with real teachers.

    they can help you one on one.

    you learn a lot more.

    & for some reason school work is a lot funner.

    i actually have a lot more free time, right now all my friends are at school, while i'm free and done with all my work.


    i can't see my friends everyday.

    at school i would get enough exercise just by walking to different classes.

    but now i have to make time for exercising.

    staying home with my annoying sister:p

  7. I consider the advantages:

    1) freedom that comes with it-- our schedule was our own again and didn't revolve around school and homework

    2) getting to spend more time together

    3) tailoring what the kids learn to their educational needs, and them getting as much attention as they need but also learning to become independent.

    4) homeschoolers  a wider variety of social and learning opportunities than would have been offered in a public school

    The disadvantages of homeschooling:

    1) People frequently question or mock your decision

  8. u can go at ur own pace and not wait for other kids u only do homeschool about 3-4 hours a day can get ahead of other student dont worry about missing if ur sick bad is u dont hhave other kids to play with miss out on haveing some school friends and some girlfriends at school

  9. Advantages -

    > Flexible in scheduling, curriculum, methods

    > Allows greater creativity

    > Allows student to concentrate more on areas of interest

    > Positive socialization rather than negative socialization

    > Reduced negative peer pressure

    > No policeman walking the halls (unless mom or dad happen to be one)

    > No metal detectors at the door

    > Can use the bathroom when needed

    > Homeschool students are actively recruited by top colleges

    > Social opportunities are too numerous to list

    > No emotional or physical abuse by bullies

    > Student can progress as fast or slow as necessary

    > Parents and students can seek out and utilize the best resources available (books, websites, videos, teachers, community colleges, museums, businesses)

    > Better opportunities to learn to learn and think not just memorize to a test

    > The teacher is much less likely to be sued by a student

    > Learning is generally considered fun by homeschool students

    > Being smart is cool not "nerdy"

    > Accomplishment is celebrated not hidden


    Ever get that feeling that someone is watching your answers so they can "neg you down?"

  10. The advantages are endless!  These people who are talking about all the "social skill" disadvantages are obviously ignorant on this topic and shouldn't be answering this question.  Homeschoolers have all the social opportunities any public schooler has!

    Naming a few: sports, competitions, fairs (history, science, art), co-op and enrichment classes (pretty much the same as public school), proms, church...the list goes on.

    School isn't about socializing.  Studies show that most homeschoolers actually have better social skills than most public schoolers because they are not as exclusive of other ages, races, and sexes.  They are exposed to "real life" situations everyday- at least the ones they need.  Although many homeschoolers experience bullies and similar things these are NOT supposed to be normal, everyday situations.  These situations are mainly concentrated to the public school system and that's just another reason not to get sucked into it.

    Thanx for listening and have a nice day :)

  11. Homeschooling allows you choices of programs and materials, flexible hours, the potential to do more work, work year round, do two years work in one year, the ability to raid the fridge, the ability to watch Science, Discovery, PBS, History on cable, the ability to Ice Skate when few are on the ice, Horseback ride at the stables with less people around, go to the library more often and stay longer, apply for college at 16 or 17, instead of 18,  work in your PJs, go potty without having to raise your hand and get a hall pass!

  12. advantages

    1.  Lessons can be individualized to suit the child's strengths, weaknesses, interests.

    2. Parent gets to share the learning experience and a lot of time with child

    3. Student is distracted by socializing, peer pressures, easier to focus on academics


    1. Child is sheltered from real life dilemmas and problems, may lead to inability to deal with "real life" later.  (Peer pressure, dating, friends)

    2. Parent may not be fully educated in a wide variety of subjects. Lacks the knowledge on how to best deliver information and assess curriculum.

    3. Children learn a great deal from other children, both academically and socially.

  13. Disadvantage - Limited social skills, limited physical activity skills

  14. It will be hard to argue only one way since I think there are advantages and disadvantages to everything, but since I think homeschooling is great regardless of the disadvantages, I will argue the advantages.


    -allows families to spend time together:

    -allows students to have one on one attention

    -allows students to learn at their own pace

    -protects students from school violence

    -protects students from negative social interaction

    -produces better results socially

    -produces better results academically

    -allows students to spend time in the real world

    -gives students time to pursue their interests.

    I could think of many more, but I think this is a good start!

  15. Some advantages (all potential; assuming dedicated parents who do what they can to make it work):


    -Child is exposed to a variety of ages and people on a regular basis, rather than the same-age and same people they are with all the time in school. This is an advantage because this resembles far more closely the adult social world where your friendships and social interactions are not based on how old you are and you are likely to encounter different people all the time.

    -Homeschooled children are less likely to adopt the strong social aspects present in schools (they may not be the norm, but they are strong enough to affect many kids), which, around here, mean a high level of materialism, snobbery, for jr. high it means partying, shoplifting, wearing skimpy clothes or doing stupid things like trying to get high on Advil or lighting Axe deodorant, sprayed on your arm, on fire. Also less likely to get pregnant as a teen.

    -Homeschooled kids aren't compartmentalized like in school, so they can actually spend 3 or more hours with other people at a time, really interacting, rather than just sitting in a desk most of the day doing the work the teacher has explained to do.

    -Because the child's primary social models are NOT kids the same age who are just as immature as they are, they tend to adopt more mature ways of behaving and thinking sooner than their schooled peers; or at least less likely to engage in many of the immature behaviours of their schooled peers.


    -Child can go his own pace.

    -Child's curriculum can be tailored to his needs and interests.

    -Child doesn't have to compete for help.

    -Child can work towards mastery.

    -More academic learning done in less time--this can allow the child to accelerate more than public schooled peers or simply give him a LOT of free time.


    -Family is more important than peers to most homeschooled children.

    -Siblings tend to be closer and better friends than those who are schooled.

    -Parents get to raise their children rather than having a different, non-related adult do it part-time each year for 13 years.


    -Kids have more time to be kids and follow interests. This leads to less stress and a better sense of self. Having more time also means being able to participate in more activities, work as a teen, volunteer, etc.

    -Flexible scheduling is beneficial in many ways (illness, change in sleep cycles, vacations, etc.)

  16. Disadvantage - people constantly argue with you against home schooling based on completely fallacious, unfounded premises.

    Advantage - learning that is completely focused on the needs of the individual child

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