
What are the advantages and discounts that I can get when having students card in Germany?

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What are the advantages and discounts that I can get when having students card in Germany?




  1. Getting a discount at certain attractions, get in less at museums, theaters, public swimming pools, movies, etc. I actually got in for free one time when I showed her my US Student ID card because the cashier liked the US.

  2. Theaters, some cinemas are offering discounts. You get special tarifs at health insurance. You can eat in the mensa.

    Every where you are ask for an off.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  3. 1.You can get access to the youth hostels, which providw you with a cheap place to stay.

    2. If you're studying at a university in germany, your student ID can get you a cheap unlimited metro pass so you can travel throughout your region. You also can get a 50% discount using a Bahn Karte. For Students the purchase of this card is also discounted.

    3. In  the major cities you can get discounts on movies and theather events.

    4. Discounts at gyms and swimming pools

    5. Access to state sponsored insurance, if you attend a germany university

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