
What are the advantages and limitations of these weapons?

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Machine Gun


Poisonous gas






  1. Do your own homework!

  2. Railway is fast,can move a lot of equipment and troops, but is easily destroyed.

    Zeppelins can be good for observation and moving some troops and personnel above terrain and water, but they are relatively slow and a big target.

    Aircraft, such as airplanes are fast, deadly to the enemy, and good for recon, assuming this is a WW1 plane. The down side is that planes in WW1 were a new technology, and untried.

    Machine guns were good for mass killing of the enemy, but in WW1 they were not easily portable, and overheated and jammed a lot.

    Artillery csan win the war for you, but it is hard to move from one place to another.

    Poisonous gas can wipe out an enemy's troops,but if the wind changes, it can wipe you out too.

    Submarines are stealthy and can sneak up on a boat, but in WW1, they were cramped, small, and one hit to a sub was all she wrote.

    Tanks were like rolling fortresses and had a lot of firepower. They broke down a lot, especially in the desert.

    Hope this helps.

  3. railways  = troop transport

    Zeppelins = spy ware

    aircraft = cover & fast deployment

    machine gun = multi fire power

    artillary = cover and power

    poison gas = war crimes

    submarines = silent but deadly

    tanks = full ground assult equipment

  4. terran for railway, subs, and tanks.

    gas is cheap and devastating.

    machine gun is awesome. but requires ammo

    aircrafts are dominant but money

  5. Railway = weapon? Come on, think for yourself, it's just a means of transport which can be used to move troops, equipment and supplies, not a weapon as such!! Pro: Speed of movement for the above. Con: Easily taken out by bombs or simply levering bits of rail off sleepers. Modern systems with computer control mean you can just take out the computer and leave them useless.

    Zeppelins/Airships: Pro: Quiet, use little power, can be made with little or no metal, making them radar invisible. Can drop a good amount of bombs - if they have non-metallic casings to stop radar detection. Con: Slow, difficult to manoeuvre, easily made unable to stay in the air, large enough to be easily visible in daylight, need a lot of fuel and lifting element.

    Aircraft: Pro: Easy to manouevre, easy to move to another base, quick, mounting good firepower/bombs usually, not too visible from theground or elsewhere in the sky. Con: Need flat landing areas which can be easily disrupted, small size limits power of weapons (apart from nuclear ones), easily knocked out of sky, need refuelling often.

    Machine Guns:This assumes you mean two-person or even three-person ones. Pro: Rapid fire and transportability. Con: If you mean 'big' ones, nor those carried by inividual soldiers, then they need to be sited in one place, even if only for a while. At night, especially, their noise and muzzle flash makes that site a target for the enemy. And they need to be re-loaded frequently - and a bit of cool-down time every now and again.

    Artillery: You didn't say 'Motorised Artillery', so we'll assume you meant the 'traditional' sort. Pro: BIG firepower, delivering targeted (nowadays, in non-US armies, anyway) attacks on sites. Con: As with machine guns, they need to be sited in one place and moved from there to another, so they are vulnerable then. And they need to be reloaded and have cooling time occasionally.

    Poison Gas: Pro: Covers everything and kills/maims those in the area without the proper protection. Con: You use it - I use it. Your troops and civilians better be fully equipped to counter what I use, or they're DEAD! And wind/weather conditions can severely affect its abilities - especially if your troops aren't protected against it and the wind blows it back on them! And it is forbidden by the 'Geneva Convention'.

    Submarines: Pro: Normally smallish and, nowadays, relatively hard to detect. They can deliver massive damage with torpedoes on other vessels (the traditional submarine role), or nuclear warheads on cities/other targets (the modern role). Con: If located, they are very easy to damage to the point where they - and crew - are destroyed, as they are not really that fast and are very vulnerable if underwater at any great depth.

    Tanks - and Mobile Artillery, to an extent: Pro: They can move fairly fast and deliver firepower to sites that need it, or against other similar vehicles. Usually very well armoured. Con: Having to be in reach of supplies would be the main one, as they can only carry limited bullets, shells and fuel - unless followed closely by supply trucks, which can't be too well shielded or they'll use more petrol moving than they are worth. Both tanks and Mobile Artillery use tracks, not wheels. Certain terrain is difficult for them - and a small bomb blowing a track off leaves them unable to move (at which point enemy machine gunners fix on crew getting out to try and repair, nearby enemy artillery is directed to fire on it, and any nearby enemy aircraft are directed to 'strafe' it from the air/bomb it).

    Hmm, while I was typing, there were others answering! Looks like there is a school project - prob in US - about WW1 weapons. That would have changed some of what I said (no nuclear weapons references, for a start). But I agreed with one answer, even while typing - do your own research/homework.

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