
What are the advantages and the drawbacks of advancing miliitary technology?

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  1. The Advantage of advancing military technology is simply this to give an advantage where the life of our soldiers and sailors can be saved and the possible harm to them minimized. By creating lighter weight weapons we give the soldier the ability to do more before fatigue sets in.  By making the weapons more powerful we can do more with less.  By making the weapons and armor technology better we decrease the loss of life of our soldiers and sailors.  The more that we can save the better.  War is inevitable no matter what country you live in, its only a matter of time before someone wants what you have and are willing to kill you to get it.  Personally I cannot see a disadvantage in advancing military technology, anyone that thinks that advancing military technology is not a good thing is either naive or a complete pacifist with delusions that we can talk our way out of conflicts.

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