
What are the advantages/disadvantages of sustainable energy sources such as solar, wind and water power.?

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Thanks but Nuclear Energy is not a sustainable energy source. There is a finite amount of Uranium, it will run out quickly.




  1. okay the first question is what does sustainable mean in this circumstance, i hate that word so much because there is not one meaning to it.

    but moving on

    advantages are that we perserve are planet better, like with solar power we dont produce as much carbon as with electricity

    disadvantages they are very expensive and thats about the only one

    what about nuclear energy though? have you ever thought about that? replace coal with it and we could cut carbon emissions by tons, but i dont want to go on with that haha

  2. ehm..

    as u know sustainable energy sources...

    are very advantageous.....

    cuz ey are financiable

    cuz dey dont produce pollution

    cuz dey help to increase suitability

    but dey are very less efficient energy produces than nuclear,coal,petroleum

    but in the near future the efficency will definately rise....

  3. the advantages of using these sustqainable energy is that it will prevent high emissions of carbon dioxide; which is one of the major problem on earth. sure it may work, but it will take a longer time to porve its effect. as the percentage of energy produced is not the same as coal or petrol etc.

    the investment to put these machine up is considerable compared to conventional ones.

    due to these investment, the possiblities of putting these up is low.

    don't worry in 60 years you may see these as petrol is running out.

  4. Environmental issues are important and sustainable energy is high on that list.

    However, for it to move from a philosophical discussion to practical mass applications every one needs to be involved.  The masses talk the talk but do not walk the walk in many areas.

    So from a purely consumer point of view, they worry about their own pocket book.


    1) One time cost of the system. (Engineer your solar system correctly and you may have no power bills.)

    2) No worry about rising power cost.


    1) High initial startup cost. ($40K of solar panels on your roof hurts the pocket book)

    2) Uncertainty of new technologies. (I know many of them have been out for years but just not implemented greatly - so some people still worry needlessly)

    3) Wind turbines make noise - I kind of think is sounds cool but some people complainabout the looks and sound of them.

    4) Wind turbines can kill birds. - Sad but true- Solutions may be fourth coming to negate this.

    5) Water turbines need rain. - Good companion with Solar Cells

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