
What are the advantages/disadvantages of vegetarianism???

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Will people laugh at you ?? Im a teenager

Will it make you healthy??

Can oyu suggest some ideas of a veggie breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack/ that has a lot of protein / and all of the essential stuff?




  1. you need enough time and money- many places don't have enough vegetarian choices; you need to pay close attention to your vit B12 intake; iron too.

    But it is doable.

    Advantages: environmentally sound, no bad karma, if you do it well, less cholesterol, less additives, less hormones

    Disadvantages: losing the rich tastes of meats (mmm... prosciutto); expensive; impractical if you live on the run

  2. The only disadvantage is a little bit of awkwardness. The advantages are endless. The biggest for me is knowing that I am doing something to hep cut the last prejudice out of society. Perhaps it will not happen in my lifetime, but I believe that sometime in the next 200 years, the vast majority of humans will be vegan.

  3. Advantages: You can feel that you are a member of an in-group.

    You save money because you don't have the desire to eat at expensive restaurants.

    You can absorb all the mythologies about the wonders of depriving yourself of a wide spectrum of foods.

    Disadvantages: You are denying yourself one of the greatest pleasures in life. As people get older, they come to appreciate the vast range of cuisines more -- provided they don't cut themselves off from the learning experience.

    You run a greater risk of various nutritional deficiency diseases.

    As you have already noted, you find it awkward to dine with friends and relatives, and you may hurt their feelings.

  4. It's not so much a advantage/disadvantage game but a free choice of your own.

  5. Advantages-

    Personal Advantages

    Lessen your chance of a heart attack

    Keeps you skinny

    Lessen your chance of developing prostate problems (in men)

    Lessen your chance of developing cancer

    May slow baldness in men

    Lessen your chance of getting sick

    Lessen your chance of high blood pressure

    Reduce your grocery bill by almost half

    Environmental, etc. Advantages

    Lessens pollution from meat processing factories

    You save on average 100 animals a year


    Some people may tease or make fun of you for your choice

  6. I have been laughed at a lot and people have even tried to argue as to why I am wrong. You would be surprised at how defensive people are about what they eat.

    As for dinner at your gf's house, explain to her your position well in advance of any visits and make sure her parents know. They shouldn't be too fussed with it.

    About the health side, Google "why vegetarian" for many benefits explained.

  7. There are advantages and disadvantages.

    I'm a teenager and a vegan, and yes i do get made fun of by close friends, family, random people on the Internet? but it is worth it because i believe strongly in the movement, for ethical reasons and natural human behavior.

    Yes, animal products are the only things on Earth that contain cholesterol, and half of people that have high cholesterol get it from food. Animal products are also high in fat. Being vegetarian/vegan is healthy if your smart about it, and you will feel better about yourself =)

    This page has great ideas for breakfast/lunch/dinner, and the main website has a wealth of information for a vegetarian!

    About the girlfriend, does she know? maybe if your gf told her mother you were veggie than she would expect it and understand you were not being rude. Thats key, tell people why you arn't eating their food so they dont get offended. If you do tell them they will respect you and help you, i know from experience.

    trust me its worth it, good luck!!

  8. About your gf, explain to her beforehand that you are vegetarian and give her some options for food you will eat.

    Advantages: Health, purer lifestyle.

    Disadvantages: People sometimes criticize, and sometimes it's hard to find something good in restaurants (but usually it's pretty easy).

    Breakfast: Fresh fruit, smoothies, cereal, toast.

    Lunch: PB&J, Hummus & Sprouts sandwich, beans on toast, mixed veggies, fruits, juice, salads, veggie soups/stews, veggie chili.

    Dinner:  tofu, seitan, faux meats, pasta, rice, any of the lunch options...

    Good luck!

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