
What are the advantages of a LCD tv over a projector?

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  1. Size, less in long term, projector you need to replace light burn in certan hours, easier to carry move around, projector only main suitable for office, big room etc. picture of LCD is far better.

  2. They are slimmer, they don't need a surface to project the image, they don't burn out as fast as projectors do (but they still get screen burns or dead pixels), and the most obvious thing being you don't need a dark room to be able to see.

  3. Clear pisture, and no burn in when you play video games, and the fact it uses about a tenth of the electricity.

  4. clarity , no bulb to replace, you dont have to darken the room for best picture

  5. lcd is more cost effective - the lcd screen can burn out but the projector bulb will burn out sooner and they are almost the price of an lcd. the projectors also can be inhibited by particles in the air and on the lens. Imagine the little surface of the projectiion bulb it the entire screen so one tiny speck on a projector is like a june bug on an lcd tv. for super sized picture in a super clean environment like basement room that is finished and no windows or a special theater room then the projector is great and cant get that big pic from lcd but STILL the cost is way way higher for projector

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